Chapter 68

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"What?"Hinata hummed with a nod.

"Those memories keep popping up."He told them and Suga held his hands.

"I met one of my bully's older brother and his friends. They usually spread rumors about me or called me names. He apologized but I didn't forgive him, but I still talk to him and see his kid."He said and they gulped.

"So this happened when you were seven?"Hinata shook his head.

"When I got expelled, There was a month left before I started middle school,"Hinata told them making them surprised.

"Do you know what else is strange? The schools still exist. They haven't been burned down or closed. Who knows who else they are doing it too?"Hinata mumbles as he noticed them in tears.

"Do you remember their words? Do you know who they are and what they did to you?"Tendo asked and Hinata nodded.

"But I haven't met them yet."

"Yet. And we will never let that yet come true."Oiwake said as they nodded.

"I agree! They should be kept out of radar."Takeda told him.

Hinata watched as they all talked and agreed but he knows they don't even know how they look like. Maybe it was a little laugh in the head but he felt so helpless. Even if he had his family here, he still feels stuck. He felt arms around him and a kiss on his head.

"I'm okay. It's just you don't have to do it. Even though I feel safe with you guys here. You won't leave me alone on my own and you know that."Hinata told them giving them some comfort.

"But Shouyou."Kenma said and Hinata just gave them a reassuring smile.

"I think it's better that I've said something compared to keeping it in myself. You don't have to worry about them. I haven't seen them in years, I don't think I'll just randomly see them tomorrow."He said and looked at them.

"We grow through experiences to get better at what comes next."

Hinata frowned and turned around but it was just Suga. He shook his head and looked to the right to see himself again.

"Things will get better, you have people now and remember. Things happen because others can't control themselves. Like they say, "protect your daughter" should've been "educate your son." What I am trying to say, those who hurt you haven't been educated enough to understand what emotions can be because they never went through that pain. Instead, they do it to feed themselves not only power but their emotion they call masochism."

"I'll be okay because it wasn't my fault. I shouldn't be in trouble for what they did. They should."He told them looking at the boys surprised.

"At the end of the day, they either were bored, were neglected, or didn't have a place to call home. I'd rather be okay to not be okay about it but feel okay to just be happy with whatever I got."Hinata said proudly which made Bokuto cry.

"Why are you crying?"Akaashi asked and Bokuto wiped his tears.

"He's growing up,"Daichi mumbles in tears while Hinata just stared at those who cried.

He looked up to see Suga just smiling in tears. He scoffed and got up. He went to his room then to his closet pulling a bag and walked out. His grandmother came in watching seeing him pulling a bag. She tilted her head confused then sighed. At least it's not knives.

He pulled it to the big living room and opened it. He smirked and turned to them. Hinata shook his head in disappointment. They were being judged by a child. He thought for a moment and smirked at them.

"Who taught you how to smirk?"Seno asked leaning by the door making Hinata giggle.

"Pee-Pee uncle did."He said pointing at the male who got glared at by everyone.

In reality, it was on tv. He just likes to bully Atsumu for being stupid. He knows the male is stupid and won't tell him unless he starts to use his brain. Hinata turned back and pulled out a dress. He smirked and showed it to them. They looked at him confused and scared.

"It's time for a fashion show!"He said and there was Lev who screamed.

"Oh heck no! I am out!"Numai said making Hinata pout.

The rest looked at him ready to murder him. He gulped and felt like he was about to get murdered. Hinata turned and looked to see a beautiful dress. He took it and walked to Kuguri. He shyly stood in front of him and held out the dress smiling.

"I would you like to wear this one. It will look good on you."He said staring at the man he calls sexy boy.

"Uh...okay,"Kuguri said taking the dress staring at the grey soft dress.

Hinata pats his head then walked to Koji. "You look like the emo and small version of Kuroo papa."

"But you look handsome..."He mumbles and ran back to the bag to find a dress.

"Now Models! Get ready!"He said clapping like a French man.

They sighed and Hinata handed them dresses. They were his mothers mostly. He was surprised he kept them but it was better to use them than leave them in the bag to rot forever.

He watched as they were going into rooms to change. Hinata looked at the girls coming in slowly and took some dresses then went to the other bathrooms.

"Those sneaky queens."He mumbles and looked back at his father starting at the floor.

"What is my best daddy looking at? Why are you sad?"Hinata asked hugging his leg smiling.

"Eh, maybe it's because he thinks he's a bad father,"Mizoguchi says and Hinata gasps.

"But My Daddy is the best. Did someone say something?"He asked Seno who shook his head.

"No...I just feel that way. I'm sorry."

"Stupid daddy. You are stupid indeed."He mumbles while Seno just stared at him.

"But you're my stupid daddy don't have to be sorry for something you never did or know about. You are a good person because if you weren't then you would've left me."He said smiling making Seno hug his son in his arms crying.

Hinata pat his back and watched as the others walked to put their fake wigs on. Kuguri is his new favorite princess for sure. Akaashi is just a queen as always. He turned to see his grandparents judging. His grandmother walked in and decided to judge them too, she liked Atsumu the most.

Hinata shook his head in disappointment clicking his tongue. "Grandma you have bad taste in men."

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