Series 2 Chapter 21

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The Real Truth
Series 2 Chapter 21

Harry made his way upstairs. Once he got into his dorm he mentally cursed himself for forgetting that Ron was the only one in there. Ignoring the daggers Ron was glaring into the back of his head, Harry opened his trunk and pulled out some pajamas. He was about to change when he changed his mind and went into the bathroom, deciding to change in there instead. He didn't fancy being stared at while getting dressed. Once he was done, Harry walked out and was about to get into his bed when Ron decided to speak up.

"What was Ginny talking to you and Hermione about?"

Harry turned around and looked at his ex-best friend, "What?"

"Hermione came to our compartment looking for Ginny. What are you two playing at?"

"For the love of Merlin Ron!" Harry exasperated, "We're not playing at anything!"

"Then why don't you have your glamour up?!" Ron shot back.

"Because I told Dumbledore! I told him how I got my creature's inheritance and how Voldemort was my father!"

Harry was glaring at Ron now, who looked shell shocked.

"Y-you told Dumbledore?"

"Yes. Now if you wouldn't mind I'm going to sleep."


"What?!" Harry spat.

Ron froze for a split second before his face flushed red, he balled his fists.

"You don't have to be so rude y'know."

Harry actually laughed, not his usual joyful laugh, but a laugh that sent chills down one's spine, a laugh that, if louder, could possibly even rival Bellatrix's own.

"I'm the rude one? You're the one who abandoned me just because I view some things differently!"

"You're the one that joined you-know-who!" Ron yelled back at him.

"Because I'd rather be fighting for what I believe then spend my whole life being shoved into the spotlight and forced to play a role that I hate!"

"You should be grateful! You're loved by everyone no matter what you do and you'll never have to try for anything in your entire life!"

"Exactly Ron! Do you know how bloody ridiculous that all is?! You think I like being 'Harry Potter'? You think that I enjoy being forced to be everyone's savior?! Do you ever think that for one moment, this scar is more a burden than a blessing?!" Harry yelled.

Ron visibly tensed. His eyes were locked on Harry while his face was becoming a tomato red in his rage.

"So just because you want to be normal you're going to abandon everyone?" Ron asked, his jaw clenched.

"You all abandoned me first. It all started the moment Dumbledore killed my mother."

Harry's gaze was sharp and cold. He felt his magic swirling up inside him and he was doing his best to keep it from lashing out at Ron. However, he couldn't stop the crimson red eyes that made their way onto his face, making his glare even more petrifying. His magic started to leak out.

Ron backed up a step, frightened by Harry's glare and put on edge by the slight bit of magic trickling out of him that grew every second, as if it would blow soon.

"You're just a pathetic wimp." Ron spat.

That threw Harry over the edge, "I warned you Ron." He hissed, "Next time I won't stand in the way of my father. Next time I'll let him kill you, and I'll have fun watching from the side."

With that said, Harry sent a raw blast of magic towards Ron before closing his curtains and casting various charms on them, making sure no one could hear through them or open them.

Sighing, Harry sat with his back propped up on his headboard, meditating. It was something he'd have to practice to get better at Occulmency. In the book he'd read it'd said it was beneficial to create a mind scape, so Harry decided to create something he knew well, a forest. He couldn't count the amount of times he'd been in the forbidden forest and gotten lost so he thought it would be one of the most challenging to get through. Focusing Harry started to create trees spacing them well apart and at random, so there was no pattern anyone could follow to find them. In each tree he put select memories within, embedding them in the wood. He created more trees, making it dense, adding plants all around making it hard to maneuver. Harry decided that it was good for the first night and pulled out of his mind, once again sitting on his bed. He was drenched with sweat and his breathing heavy but he didn't care, he'd done a lot of work that night.

He cast a tempas, revealing that it was almost two am. Sighing, knowing he wouldn't be able to fall asleep any time soon, Harry sat there. He stared at the abnockus red curtains that surrounded him. He loved the color, he always had, but lately he'd been finding himself more drawn to the cool greens. Besides, he apparently looked better in them according to Draco. Harry laid his head back, closing his eyes. He felt his magic prickling along his skin, still slightly aggravated by his argument with Ron. He ignored the feeling though. He'd never before had that much magic built up, it was... invigorating. Harry had never known he held so much power within him, he knew a lot of it had been blocked by Dumbledore, he'd felt the wave of intense magic flow over him after he'd gotten the blocks removed, but he thought that was it. The power he held just a few hours ago was more then he'd ever felt before, the sheer raw magic that blasted out at Ron when he'd only even thought about hexing him for a split second, it was amazing.

Harry shot up in his bed, an idea coming to mind. Slowly, he took down the various charms on his curtains and slowly opened them, finding that everyone was asleep. Carefully, Harry got out of bed and put on some casual robes. Grabbing the invisibility cloak and the map he made his way out of the door and out of the portrait hole.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." He whispered.

The marauders Map appeared and Harry quickly went around a corner to no be seen by Mrs. Norris. Even with the cloak on he could swear that that cat could see him. Moving, once again, Harry made his way to the second floor girls' bathroom. Waiting a while to make sure Myrtle wouldn't burst out of one of the toilets, Harry took off the cloak.

#Open# He hissed.

The sinks started to open up, revealing a slide down to the chamber of secrets. Taking a breath, knowing that if he went he'd never be able to turn back, Harry jumped down.

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