Series 4 Chapter 2

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The Real Truth
Series 4 Chapter 2

Harry, with the encouragement from Draco, made his way back to the meeting hall. They walked in separately since everyone still knew Harry as Chaos. Harry walked up to the front and stood by his father.

"What did I miss?"

Voldemort raised an eyebrow but filled Harry in, "We were just going over the outcomes of our attack. It was highly successful. The only members that remain of the order are the Weasley family, minus their son, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Nemphadora Tonks, and Dumbledore. The rest are dead along with seventeen arours and over half of the muggles in the area. Those who survived are now homeless."

Harry nodded and waited while Voldemort wrapped the rest of the meeting up. Once everyone was gone Harry dropped his glamour.

"You seem cherrie." Voldemort said.

"I just killed someone, what do you think?" Harry shot at him, obviously implying that he felt the opposite.

"And you did a very well job at killing him. You cast the curse perfectly."

"I don't care about whether I cast the curse perfectly or not. I care that Ron's dead. If Hermione finds out she'll have a field day and if any of the Weasleys find out they'll have a try for my head."

"Then kill the Weasleys and don't tell Hermione that you were the one to kill him."

"I'm not going to lie to my twin sister! Nor am I going to kill all of the Weasleys!"

"Then I suggest you come up with something else."

Harry rolled his eyes.

Voldemort eyed him, "I have to admit that I am surprised by how you're behaving now. For the past month you have refused to even cast the curse on Pettigrew, who has well deserved his death, yet you do not seem upset at having used it to kill the Weasleys boy."

Harry bit his lip. "Because I'm not." He told him simply, "Ron was a horrible person and he deserved to die. I'm more worried about what will happen if people find out that it was me."

Voldemort looked at him questionably, "Then what was with your outburst just a few minutes ago?"

Harry shifted awkwardly, "It freaked me out that I didn't feel any kind of regret for what I'd done. Draco helped me with that though, reminding me that it was just part of what Dumbledore tried to drill into my brain."

"That it is."

Harry nodded, "I know, I just have to let go of it all. I thought I had, but small parts keep coming back at the worst times..."

Voldemort was unsure how to respond, though he'd never admit it. Elizabeth had always been the one to be close with the kids. She was the one who cheered them up, who always gave them a kiss on the forehead before bed, it was always her that they came to when they needed comfort, a mother's love. Voldemort was an orphan, he knew nothing about how to care for a child. He grew up alone and never learned how to be emotional. Elizabeth had brought out that side of him. Brought out his smile of pure joy, his uncontrollable laughter, she had thawed his cold heart, but it had all been undone the day he had to watch her die. They say that he couldn't protect the ones he cared about. The day that he was powerless, and he hated it.

"You know..." He began, "Your mother, Elizabeth, she'd be proud of how far you've come."

That caught Harry off guard, "Really?"


"What was she like? I don't really remember her at all."

Voldemort paused for a second, "She was... extraordinary. She was cut throat and ruthless but also gentle and caring. She would do anything to protect the people she cared about and could terrify anyone just by one look. She was brilliant in every way."

Harry smiled slightly, "I remember how she used to mess around with me and Hermione, or how she'd read us stories to make us tired, and how she'd kiss our foreheads every night before bed."

Voldemort nodded, the sides of his mouth twitching up a bit, "Yes. She loved you both so much. The two of you were her greatest accomplishment you know. The pride that filled her eyes every time she saw you both doing magic or when you'd pull off the schemes you both planned. It was truly remarkable."

Harry stared up at his father, he'd never seen this side of him before.

"How do you cope with it? Losing someone you loved?"

Voldemort looked down at Harry, (though he only had to look down a few inches), "It is difficult. Though it is easier now, I see her everyday. In you and your sister."

Harry smiled at that.


"Call me Hadrian."

Voldemort raised an eyebrow but Harry just shrugged, "It's my name after all."

"Hadrian... I am not one for feelings, or emotions in general, but, you should know that I do care about you."

"I know father, I know."

It was the first time that Harry had ever called him father in Voldemort's presence. Voldemort allowed his unbreakable walls that he'd surrounded himself with ever since that day to crack, making an opening big enough for his son. Harry was never expecting it, nor had he ever thought it possible, but Voldemort pulled him into a hug. Harry hugged him back. It was brief and short, but it said all that needed to be said.

"Now, I believe you have a sister to calm. No doubt she is worrying about you."

Harry smiled and nodded, shadowing out of the room. Voldemort watched the spot where his son disappeared. A smile, a smile he hadn't worn in the longest time, appeared on his face.

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