Series 1 Chapter 10

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The Real Truth
Series 1 Chapter 10

There was a week left until they would go back to Hogwarts. Molly had everyone down in the living room and was holding out the floo powder to everyone as she walked by.

"Ok everyone, take your powder. Harry dear you first."

Harry stepped into the fireplace and threw down his powder.

"Diagon Alley."

Harry was enveloped in green flames as Molly beckoned Hermione forward.

Harry stepped out into the streets of Diagon Alley and waited as the rest of his friends floo'd in. Hermione was the first to join him, then Ron, Fred, George, Arthur, Ginny, and lastly Molly.

"Everyone here? Ok, onto Gringotts!"

They made their way to the big, white marble building, they all knew as Gringotts Wizarding Bank. When Harry entered a strange feeling came over him. Still, he followed Mrs. Weasley up to the booth. Once they were stopped he looked around the hall. It was full of people and he just shook his head. Hermione must've sensed something was wrong because she looked over to Harry.

"Harry? Is everything alright?"

He looked at her, "I dunno. The moment we walked in here a strange feeling came over me..."

Hermione looked around as Harry did. "Is it your scar?"

"No... it's- It's almost as if I'm being compelled to look for something..."

Hermione gasped.

"Harry! It could be your mate!" She whispers excitedly.

Harry's eyes widened and he looked around the room again.

"What's going on mate?" Ron asked.

Hermione pulled him closer, "Harry's mate might be here!"

Ron, just like they all had, looked around the room.

"If they're here they're probably getting money." Hermione said, "if they're getting money it's probably for school, Hogwarts letters came yesterday so they're probably shopping for Hogwarts! Harry! They might be going to Hogwarts too!"

"Do you think you already know them?" Ron asked.

Harry shrugged, "Who knows Ron. I've only been around you guys so far."

Harry continued further into the bank with the Weasleys and his twin, while on the other side of the bank Lucius Malfoy made a mental note of how close Harry and Hermione were.

"Father, why have we just been standing here for the past few hours?" Malfoy asked annoyed.

"Manners Draco, we're in public."

"Yes father..."

They waited until Lucius spotted a family of red heads plus two others walk out of a hall and towards the exit.

"Come Draco."

Draco followed his father out who was following the group of Gryffindors.

Harry went to all the different shops for things he needed. His last stop was Flourish and Bolts. The entire time he'd been out the feeling of searching never let him, and he'd been starting to worry that it was someone in his group.

"Harry, is it still happening?" Ron asked.
Harry nodded.

They went around the store and gathered up all the books they'd need for this year.

While Harry was looking for a copy of the potions book the twins had lent him, the feeling of need to search for something became stronger. Harry looked around but no one was there. He sighed and gave in. Leaving the shelves of various potions books he walked through the isles.

Draco followed his father into Flourish and Bolts to pick up the books he'd be needing that year. As soon as he entered he caught sight of a certain wild haired boy. Forcing himself to look away Draco walked up the stairs to where the more darker books were found. Why were his feelings bubbling back up now of all places? He was in public for Merlin's sake! As much as he wanted to break away he found himself at the top of the railing watching as Harry Potter made his way around the shop gathering school books. Draco glared at the boy he hated with a passion. Harry had utterly humiliated him on their first day of school when he rejected their offer to be friends. He'd grown up hearing about Harry Potter. The way he'd supposedly killed the dark lord. If he had to admit it, Draco had been fascinated with him. How a mere baby had the power to survive the killing curse. Draco was shocked from his thoughts when he noticed that Harry was making his way towards the stairs and Draco quickly found himself within the maze of bookshelves.

Harry looked through afew isles before giving up. The feeling was still as strong as ever but the books were growing darker and he needed to get back to the Weasleys. Before he left though a dark green book caught his eye. He picked it up and noticed it was on parselmagic. Harry scrunched his nose as an overpowering smell of cologne reached his senses, someone was obviously wearing way too much. Ignoring the smell, Harry opened the book and found he was able to read it even though it appeared to just be scribbles on a page. For some reason it intrigued him and he kept on reading.

Draco turned a corner, planing to head back to his Father to check out his books when he saw the all too familiar boy that constantly covered his thoughts standing further infront of him, looking at a book. Draco froze, he wanted to say something, to get the boy's attention, but he didn't know what. What really surprised him was when Harry opened the book and appeared to start reading it.

"Would you look at that? The savior reading a book on dark magic." Draco sneared.

Harry looked towards him out of the corner of his eye, "What do you what Malfoy?"
Harry was confused, he felt the urge, a strong urge to step closer to the blond but he fought it, his mind scaring him with unwanted thoughts.

"Oh nothing, just wondering why the figure head of all things light would be reading a book on parselmagic."

"Well I am a parselmouth."

Draco rolled his eyes and walked towards Harry.

"So what? Parselmagic was the main magic used by the dark lord. What would the public say if they knew you were interested in it too?"
Harry resisted the urge to laugh and say like father like son. Instead he went for a different tactic.

"If they find out I'll just put on another act and say I was trying to understand Voldemort's magic so I knew how to counter it." He said with a smirk.

Draco was surprised but kept a straight face.
"How very Slytherin of you."

"That is where the hat originally wanted me placed." Harry said before he walked off leaving a dumbfounded Draco behind.

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