Series 4 Chapter 11

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The Real Truth
Series 4 Chapter 11

Harry, Hermione, and Draco made their way downstairs. Lucius happened to be waiting for Draco at the bottom of the staircase that lead to Harry and Hermione's private quarters so Draco split off with him, Harry and Hermione making their way to the drawing room (it was where they'd meet up when they weren't also having a meal). When they entered they were met with the sight of their father sitting in his chair and two boxes were laid out before him on the table. He looked at Harry and Hermione who sat down, waiting a little bit before he spoke.

"Elizabeth planned to give these to you on your seventeenth birthday, when you'd both legally become adults. Though because of certain circumstances that never happened. I only saw it fit to give them to you today."

Harry and Hermione looked at each other before they both grabbed the box that was in front of them, opening it. Inside was a note along with a thick book. Harry decided to read his note first.

My little bit of chaos,
If you are reading this you have turned seventeen, I am so proud of the wizard you have become. You may not be young anymore, but you will always be my baby boy. I know that the way we live is dangerous and I am aware that I may very well be dead by the time you receive this. Even if I am, know that I am still watching over you and that I love you so much, your father does too, even if he isn't always the best at showing it. I am certain that you will have a bright future, though with the future it can be easy to forget the past. So, I have created a book for you to look back on, filled with notes and memories from me and your father about your childhood. I have written an entry every day, adding as much as I can, I hope you love it. Perhaps you can fill it with your own memories, enter your own entries, continue it throughout the family. Happy Birthday Hadrian.
With Love,

Harry slowly reached for the book, opening the first page to see a picture of him sleeping in his crib. An entry was written on the second page.

Today was the day that Hadrian was born, I'm so proud of my precious baby boy. I can already see his resemblance to his father though he has my eyes, which I'm absolutely drawn to. Tom is absolutely overjoyed with our children, though he finds writing entries far too sappy, instead I'll write his opinions since I can read my husband so well...

Today was the day my son was born and I just could be more happy. I just absolutely love my family with all my heart though I enjoy acting as if I have no emotions at all because I am the big bad dark lord and I am all powerfu-

The ink smeared off and Harry raised an eyebrow. He looked up when he heard his father sigh.

"She cast a spell on the paper so I couldn't get rid of the writing." He muttered, though Harry could see the hint of fondness behind his emotionless mask.

Harry smiled and continued reading.

Anyway, as I was saying, Tom couldn't be more happy with our children. I can't wait for what the future holds.

Harry closed the book, his eyes starting to water and he knew that he would be reading the whole thing soon. He looked over at Hermione who was almost sobbing. She set the book down and leaned over, burying her face in his shoulder. Harry wrapped an arm around her.

"There is one more thing that I wanted to show you both." Voldemort said, standing up.

Harry whipped away Hermione's tears and they both got up and followed their father out. They walked down a few halls before they came to a big pair of double doors.

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