Series 3 Chapter 20

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The Real Truth
Series 3 Chapter 20

Harry and Hermione made their way down to the lake. They were going home in a few days. The last few months had gone by in the blink of an eye. Harry and Draco's relationship had been accepted as just something that was happening even though many didn't like it, including Dumbledore who'd given up on trying to convince Harry to break up with the blonde after his continuous failures. Ron had become as annoying as ever, insulting Harry at every chance he got. He'd even started to shun Ginny once he found out about hers and Hermione's relationship. Harry hung out with Luna and the twins more often now and sometimes Neville would even join them. Draco managed to convince Blaise and Pansy to tolerate them so sometimes they even hung out as a group for a while before some sort of fight broke out and they had to drag each other away. Gryffindor had won every single quidditch game, thanks to Harry's seeking, and had even won house cup, both of which made Draco bitter. Harry was now in second place for every class, Hermione obviously still in first, even more impressive was that Voldemort had actually managed to teach Harry how to cast the killing curse with all of the teen's protests. Harry still refused to actually cast the curse but since he now knew how Voldemort seemed to leave him be, but Harry knew they'd be back to the subject soon.

Harry sat down and rested his back against a tree while Hermione went up and sat on the edge, letting her feet dangle just above the water. They were up on the hill a little so the beach area, which was really just dirt and mud leading to the dark water, was further down. Harry looked up, seeing bits of blue sky through the leaves of the tree. He couldn't wait to be going back home. He would be away from Ron, he'd be able to let all of his magic out, he'd be having the Death Eaters around again, and he'd be able to be completely himself. Though, he was also nervous. This summer, in July, would be the announcement ball. He wasn't having any second guesses about his choice to be with Draco, nor did he think the other did, but he was still nervous. Harry wasn't raised as a pure-blood and had only begun learning about everything two years ago. No matter how many times he went over what to do he was still afraid that he'd mess something up. Hermione had been reassuring him, telling him that he'd be fine. Harry let out a breath. The best he could do was to not worry about it for now.

"You look pathetic. Sitting under a tree all alone."

Harry turned around and smiled. Draco sat down next to him.

"I guess you're just as pathetic as me then." Harry told him.

Draco stuck his nose in the air and crossed his arms, "No, I am not sitting alone."

Harry shook his head, amused, and gave Draco a kiss.

"Will you two stop making out?!" Hermione yelled even though she was only a few feet away.

Harry started laughing while Draco shot her a glare.

"Mind your own business Hermione!" Draco yelled back at her.

Hermione started laughing, "Whatever you say, Draco."

Suddenly, realizing what he said, Draco palled.

"Exposed." Harry said.

"Never speak of this again." Draco told him before crossing his arms and leaning back on the tree.

Harry, Hermione, Draco, and Ginny all boarded the train together, finding an empty compartment and sitting down. Harry pulled out a book to read, but it was suddenly pulled away by Draco.

"For once, you're going to do something else then read during the train ride. All you ever do now is read, you're becoming like Hermione over there." Draco told him. They had started calling each other by their first names, finally.

"Alright, fine." Harry said, shrugging.

He turned to look out the window like he always used to to fall asleep.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked.

"Going to sleep." Harry answered.

Draco must've turned to Hermione as if for an explanation because Harry heard her soft giggle.

"He used to always sleep on the train ride. Believe me, him reading is a lot better because then you can actually talk to him."

Draco huffed and begrudgingly dropped Harry's book back into his lap making the teen chuckle. He put the book away and sat back down, earning a raised eyebrow from Draco.

"What? I'm capable of doing other things than reading."

Ginny raised an eyebrow at that as well. Harry rolled his eyes. The train started moving and they started talking. At some point Luna joined them, sitting with Ginny and Hermione. Then later the twins joined them as well, Harry moving onto Draco's lap so they'd have enough room for the both of them. By the time they arrived at Kings Cross station the group had laughed themselves to tears multiple times thanks to the twins and had talked the whole way.

Harry and Hermione waved bye to Draco and made their way over to the Grangers, who were talking with the Weasleys, along with the twins and Ginny. Hermione had written to Jean and Dave asking if Harry could stay with them over the summer since the Weasleys would be going on a family Vacation for the first month. They, of course, said yes, though the minute they got to the house Harry would shadow out and the Grangers memories would be manipulated to think that Harry and Hermione were actually with them when they weren't. Molly greeted them all with hugs and even managed to shut Ron up when he tried to make a jab at Harry. It was taking almost everything Harry had in him not to Crucio Ron again. You would think after what happened over break the redhead would've learned his lesson but apparently it had slipped his mind the minute Harry and Draco revealed their relationship to the school. No Ron would call him a traitor with others' false understanding of what he meant.

They departed shortly after they met up and Harry was glad it was a short drive. Once they reached the house Harry and Hermione followed Jean and Dave into the house where Rabastan and Rodolphus immediately stunned them. Severus and Barty came over and started their work on their minds while the brothers kept guard.

"Guess that's our cue." Harry said, grabbing Hermione's arm.

The brothers gave them both little solutes before they stepped through the shadows.

#Snakeling is back#

Harry looked down to where the twelve foot snake laid on the ground, her head raised.

#Hi Nagini# Harry greeted.

Hermione shifted, still uncomfortable with the snake's presence.

"How did it go with the Grangers?" Voldemort asked, making his presence known.

"Good. Rabastan and Rodolphus took them out right away and Severus and Barty are manipulating their minds right now."

Voldemort nodded, "Dinner's in an hour."

With that said he left the room, Nagini at his heals, leaving Harry and Hermione alone.

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