Series 4 Chapter 8

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The Real Truth
Series 4 Chapter 8

Harry was struggling with what to get Draco for his birthday. It wasn't that Draco didn't want anything, it was that he got whatever he asked for from his parents. Harry had to find something that he didn't ask for, yet also have it be something that the blond would like. Draco's birthday was still a week away so he had some time, he needed to come up with something good. He and Bellatrix went shopping around with each other, Narsissa joining them so she could point out anything they'd already gotten him. Harry couldn't find anything and he'd been out for hours on end multiple times. Harry had even asked Hermione what she'd gotten him, hoping for a bit of inspiration, but she'd just gotten him an advanced potions book along with an advanced Arthrimacy book. Harry was stuck.

It was a few days before Draco's birthday when the perfect idea came to mind. Harry immediately got to work, pulling out different books from his library and spending the days in his study, working. When Draco's birthday finally came around Harry's gift was ready just in time. Harry got dressed in his simple black trousers, his best pair of dragon hide boots, and a dark green button down shirt that made his eyes pop out. He pulled on a black robe with silver clipping over his clothes and walked out of his room. Draco wasn't having a big fancy party this year so he didn't have to dress up all fancy. This year he was just inviting over his closest friends and having a celebration with them, claiming that they'd already had one big fancy party and another one merely a month away would be too soon. Harry waited for Hermione, who was also invited, outside of her door. When she emerged from her room she had her long hair styled up in a ponytail. She was wearing simple robes which were open to show her plain white shirt, a pleated black skirt, and black leggings.

"Ready?" Harry asked.


He grabbed her arm and shadowed them to Malfoy Manor.

"You arrived just in time." A voice said from behind them.

Harry smiled at his boyfriend, "At least I'm not late."

Draco rolled his eyes and gave Harry a kiss before pulling him along with him to one of the many gathering rooms. Harry placed his gift in the pile and sat down next to Draco. He looked around to just see Blaise, Pansy, Theo, Crabb, and Goyle.

"Who's she?" Pansy asked, pointing at Hermione.

"Hadriel Elizabeth Slytherin, it's a pleasure to meet you Pansy Parkasin." Hermione overly dramatically announced herself.

Pansy's eyes widened along with the others.

"I didn't know that you had found your sister!" Theo exclaimed towards Harry.

"You didn't? She dropped her glamour in front of the whole inner circle practically two years ago! I thought every child of Death Eaters knew at this point."

Hermione scoffed, "Well I don't go around making scenes Chaos."

"I don't do that." Harry defended himself.

"Oh yeah? What about that time you practically yelled at your father and called him a wimp during one of the meetings?" Draco asked.

The others gasped, while aside from Hermione.

"I didn't call him a wimp. He was going back on his word and I merely said that a man wouldn't do that."

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