Series 2 Recap

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The Real Truth
Series 2 Recap

Yay, another series finished! This book has grown so much over the past few months of me writing it and you all have been so supportive! I can't tell you how happy this makes me. Series 3 will be out soon! Now onto the recap.

Harry regains all of his Oblivio'd memories and decides to join his father once again after realizing that dark truth about his mother's murderer, Dumbledore. Harry spends the summer visiting Riddle Manor, gets introduced to the Death Eaters as Chaos -the dark lords second in command-, and starts learning dark magic, producing his own Cruciatus curse more powerful then Bellatrix's. Harry decides to tell Ron and Hermione of his new views and actions, feeling guilty for not. Hermione supports him while Ron lashes out. After a big fight the two groups break away, ending their friendship. Harry and Hermione return home, to Slytherin Manor, for the rest of the summer. Once they return to Hogwarts they reconnect with Ginny and Harry, acting on a plan, tells Dumbledore he received his creature's inheritance that year, instead of the year prior. Dumbledore allows him to drop his glamour. Harry gets into another fight with Ron, discovering more of his power. Wanting to learn how much power he actually has Harry goes down into The Chamber of Secrets.

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