Series 2 Chapter 14

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The Real Truth
Series 2 Chapter 14

Harry and Hermione returned to their quarters in Slytherin Manor. They wanted to sleep for the few hours they had left until the sun would rise. Harry said goodnight to Hermione before heading to his quarters. It felt so surreal to him, actually living at the Manor instead of just visiting. He pulled out some pajamas from his trunk, changed, then got into his bed. He'd never been in it before, it was weird. The silk sheets were cold at first but the weight and heat from the comforter helped him get comfortable fast. Before he knew it he had drifted off to sleep.

Harry was startled awake by Hermione flopping onto his bed.


"Finally! I've been trying to wake you up for the past ten minutes!"

Harry rolled his eyes.

"I want to get a new wand before we go to Gringotts." Hermione told him.


"So next time you sleep in I can hex you."
Hermione left the room, leaving Harry to get ready. Once he was he left his quarters and walked down the stairs to the common room that connected his and Hermione's quarters.

"Ready?" He asked.


Harry grabbed Hermione's arm and shadowed them into Knockturn alley.

"Why are we in Knockturn Alley?" Hermione asked.

"Untraceable wands are illegal Hermione. You can't just get them from Ollivander's."


Hermione followed her brother into a wand shop. She looked around at the different wood and cores on display around the shop, as well as the different holsters that were for sale. Harry tapped on the counter just as Bellatrix had, the same pudgy man from before came up.

"How can I help you Mr....?" The shopkeeper asked.

"Slytherin." The man's eyes widened, "My sister needs an untraceable wand."

Hermione wasn't all that surprised to hear Harry say his last name was Slytherin. She had a feeling that he wouldn't be going by Potter anymore anyway, now that the blood adoption was gone. Though it was still odd to hear. The man looked from Harry to her.

"Of course, of course...." the man muttered and disappeared.

When he came back he held the same two boxes as the last time. One filled with woods, the other filled with cores.


"Slytherin" Hermione told him.

"Miss Slytherin, hold your hand out and select the wood with the strongest magical pull."

The shopkeeper laid the woods out on the counter and Hermione stepped up.

"What about the wands?" She asked.

"This will tell me from which wood to make your wand out of. Pre-made wands perform horribly compared to custom made wands. Mine are more in touch with your magical core."

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