Series 3 Chapter 18

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The Real Truth
Series 3 Chapter 18

The school was buzzing about what happened between Harry and Draco for the whole day, as well as the next morning. Harry had basically hung out with Draco all day and they always had people turning to stare at them. Currently Harry was sitting in the library with Hermione. Draco had just left for the celebration and they still had a few hours to go before they could use the time turner to be there. Harry had just finished the book he was reading when someone came up to him and handed him a note. Harry internally groaned, knowing that it was from Dumbledore before he even picked it up. He quickly read the note and put his things away.

"Be right back." He told Hermione, "The old coot wants to lecture me on my choice of boyfriends."

Hermione nodded, not looking up from her book.

Harry left the library, dropped off his bag in his dorm, and made his way to Dumbledore's office. The gargoyle moved aside when it saw him and the staircase appeared. Hopping on, Harry rode up to the headmaster's door where he knocked.

"Come in."

Harry walked in and took a seat.

"Harry, my boy, thank you for coming to see me. How was your break with the Grangers?" Dumbledore asked, smiling his fake, warm, smile.

"It was amazing. Jean and Dave are great." Harry told him.

"Splendid. Did anything else happen?"

Harry paused for a moment before speaking. He knew that Dumbledore was digging for answers about Draco and he wasn't planning on giving the old man any sort of satisfaction by getting the answer out of him without directly asking for it.

"We went over to the Weasleys for lunch one day."

"Anything else?"

Harry then paused for a long time, "No... I don't think so, why?"

Dumbledore's smile twitched and he seemingly deflated. "I was merely wondering if you and Draco had gotten together over break. After your spectacle yesterday I couldn't help but ponder."

Harry nodded. "We got together a few months ago. We decided before break that we were tired of acting like we were still constantly at each other's throats so we just, kinda, stopped."

Dumbledore's eyebrows raised, "Is that so? If I may ask, why did you decide to be with Draco? Why not a lovely girl... like miss Ginny Weasley?"

"No offense Professor, but I'm not into girls. Nor is Ginny into me. I actually think she's quite taken with someone else at the moment."

Dumbledore's expression turned grim, "Harry, my boy. Have you ever thought about problems with where Draco comes from? His father was Voldemort's right hand man, Draco himself is a Death Eater."

Harry's face turned to stone, "Lucius holds no threat to me and Draco may have the mark but the only reason he received it was because his father forced him to. Draco holds no loyalty to Voldemort so why should I hold something against him that he has no control over?"

Dumbledore was surprised by Harry's sudden change of emotion but he pushed it off as the teen wanting to protect his boyfriend.

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