Series 4 Chapter 4

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The Real Truth
Series 4 Chapter 4

The rest of the wake was uneventful. Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Bill, Flouré, and Charlie all showed up. Percy even stopped by to pay his respects to everyone's surprise. He'd basically disowned his family the last few years. Molly had welcomed him in and even offered for him to stay and eat with them, but he'd declined and left after seeing Ron's body. They had set his body up in his bed in his room, so people could stop by before he was to be buried the next day.There was lots of crying and consoling, mainly between Hermione and Ginny, as well as Molly and Arthur. Harry and Hermione left with the promise to be back tomorrow morning. Molly had offered for them to stay there but they had declined since there were already so many who would be staying overnight.

The next morning Harry and Hermione both left for the funeral. Hermione had put her glamour up since there would be others coming that day.

"You look better without the glamour." Ginny told Hermione when they arrived.

"It seems that everyone thinks so." Harry put in.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"I actually think that the Granger looks dreadful both ways."

Harry's head whipped around to see Draco standing behind him wearing a very self satisfied look.

"Wha- you- I-" Harry took a breath, "What are you doing here?!"

"Attending the funeral. As much I hate to admit it, Ronald is my cousin. My very distant cousin."

Harry raised an eyebrow but Molly explained, "It's common courtesy to invite all family. Though I do believe that the Malfoy's have failed to show up before."

"You'll have to excuse us for those that we missed Molly. We were merely busy." Lucius told her.

Molly narrowed her eyes, "Oh, well. You're here now for Merlin knows why, may as well make the best of it."


"Harry, can I speak to you for a moment?" Molly asked.

"Uh, sure?"

Harry followed Molly into the kitchen.

"I know you and Ron didn't get along the best the last few months, but I was wondering if you would like to say something today? It would mean so much to him."

Harry was surprised at the offer, "W-What about Hermione?"

"Hermione has already offered to say something."

"Oh... er-Sure?"

Molly smiled, "Oh, thank you Harry."

She pulled him into another bone squeezing hug.

"What did Mrs. Weasley talk to you about?" Draco asked when Harry re-appeared.

"She asked if I'd give a speech." Harry told him, leaning against the wall of the burrow.

"And you said no, right?"

"No, I said 'Sure'. I mean, Ron and I were great friends before he became a conceded git. I can just talk about those times."

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