Series 3 Chapter 11

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The Teal Truth
Series 3 Chapter 11

Harry woke up to Hermione flopping down on top of him.

"Hermione! Ger-off of me!" He grounded, pushing the laughing teen away.

"You should already be awake by now! Or did you forget that it's YULE!"

Harry finally succeeded at pushing his twin off, causing her to fall off of his bed completely.

"What was that for?!" She yelled, rubbing the back of her head where it had hit the floor.

Harry shrugged, "I don't like people on my bed."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "I bet you'd like Draco on there-"

She was cut off by a silent hex coming from Harry.

"Hey! Not fair! You can't use wandless magic!"

"I can and I will if you make one more comment about me and Draco sleeping together." Harry stated, crossing his arms.

Hermione smirked, "I mean, I wasn't the one who sat on his lap when he was hard-"

Hermione fell to the floor laughing, Harry smirked down at her, keeping his tickling charm's hold on her.

"Stop! Please! I can't breath!" She managed to get out through her laughs.

Harry let it up and Hermione eventually regained her barings.

"You know I hate being tickled." She told him, still smiling.

"Huh, really? It seemed as though you were having fun, with all your laughing of course." Harry teased.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Just get ready."

"For what? The ritual isn't until tonight."

"Did you forget about the letter from the Weasleys?"

Harry mentally face palmed. Last night they had revived another letter asking if they wanted to visit the next day for lunch. Harry and Hermione had said yes after agreeing that it might be a good way to show that they were actually with the Grangers. Since they "wouldn't be celebrating Yule" they thought they'd visit and come back before dinner. Voldemort had even agreed that it was a good idea.

Harry hopped out of bed and grabbed some muggle clothes, knowing that they wouldn't be wearing robes at the Grangers. When he emerged from his room Harry saw Hermione waiting for him by their fireplace.

"Rabastan and Rodolphus already have the Grangers under the Imperius curse and Molly should be showing up there in half an hour. We're good to go now."

Harry nodded and shadowed them to Hermione's old house.

"Hadrian! How kind of you to join us." Rodolphus greeted them.

Harry rolled his eyes, the brothers were lounging on the couches, eating snacks and watching T.V. while the Grangers sat, stock still, at the kitchen table.

"I wouldn't have even remembered if Hermione hadn't woken me up."

Hermione glanced over to her old guardians, "They're ok, right?"

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