Series 3 Chapter 21

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The Real Truth
Series 3 Chapter 21

"What do you mean you're planning to attack Grimuald place?!" Harry exclaimed.

They were currently in a meeting with the Death Eaters, the first one Harry had ever attended and he was in his Chaos glamour as well as garbs.

"It's the order's headquarters. If we attack them there we could catch them off guard, taking out most of them." Voldemort told him coldly.

Ever since Harry had refused to cast the killing curse Voldemort had become more cold then usual to him. Though since he knew the curse, Harry was now allowed to attend the meetings as well as help them with their attacks.

"Yes but how do you know that they won't start doubting those loyal to them?" Harry couldn't mention Sirius or Remus since Death Eaters outside of the inner circle were present.

"I have made sure they will not, Chaos. Though if you would like to continue to doubt me and my decisions then be my guest. Though I cannot say you won't get what's coming to you."

That shut Harry up quickly. Voldemort started to go over the plan. They would all apparate there in groups, each group attacking a different selection of houses, hurting the muggles in order to draw the Order out since the house was under a Fieldus Charm. Once they were out the inner circle would surround them and the battle would start. Although he didn't like the idea of it, he had to admit that the plan was very well thought out and had a high chance of succeeding. In truth, Harry still cared about some order members, like Arthur and Molly, Tonks and Moody, he didn't want to see them get killed. Then if the whole Weasley family was there there was the possibility of Charlie, Bill, Flouré, Fred, George, or Ginny getting hurt. Harry just had to cut off his ties with those who would forever back Dumbledore, he knew he had to, though it was hard. Before the meeting came to an end Voldemort had one thing left to say.

"Remember, in a week when we all will attack the order, shoot to kill."

Harry's head snapped around at this.

"Expect the Weasleys. You agreed that if they die it would be at my hands." He said quietly, though his voice was firm and heard by everyone.

"So I did. You should know best of all Chaos that I am not usually one to keep my word." Voldemort told him venomously.

"A real man would keep his word." Harry challenged him. There was no way he was letting a Weasley die.

Voldemort's gaze sharpened and his hand twitched. Harry instantly knew he'd gone too far. Voldemort's magic grew and seemed to lash out towards Harry but it was always pulled back right before it could reach him. Voldemort took a step closer and looked him straight in the eye.

"You are very lucky that I do not want you dead or else, believe me, I would kill you right now with my own hands."  Voldemort hissed.

Harry didn't break gaze, knowing it was a sign of weakness, but he'd never felt so scared, angry, or relieved in his entire life. Thankfully to his acting skills he kept most of it in. Voldemort sharply turned away and left the room, Harry stomping into the shadows and disappearing. Both leaving the Death Eater is fear and awe that the twos interaction.

Harry stormed into Hermione's room, furious at his father.

"Harry?! What happened?!" Hermione exclaimed, jumping up.

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