Check Out My Other Stories

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Hello! Author here. I have a bunch of other stories I'm working on and I highly suggest that you all go check them out!

 I have a bunch of other stories I'm working on and I highly suggest that you all go check them out!

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Voldemort's Plan (Ongoing)

Main ship: Drarry

The Potters sent Harry to live with the Dursleys, believing the best way of protection for him would be to be gone from the Wizarding World until he could attend Hogwarts. Only, Voldemort caught word of this and eventually found the boy, the dark mark shone above Privet drive: Harry Potter was dead. At least, that's what Voldemort wanted them all to think.

 At least, that's what Voldemort wanted them all to think

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Harry Potter and the Unbeknownst Truth (Ongoing)

Main ship: Drarry

When Harry turned 15 his world was turned upside down. What was he to do when his father was revealed to have been alive? Not only that, but his father turned out to be the one person Harry hated most in the world, possibly even more than Voldemort? Meanwhile, a certain blonde was stirring feeling up within Harry that he'd never felt before.

 What was he to do when his father was revealed to have been alive? Not only that, but his father turned out to be the one person Harry hated most in the world, possibly even more than Voldemort? Meanwhile, a certain blonde was stirring feeling up...

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Death's Gift (ongoing)

Main ship: Adult Harry x Tom Riddle (trust me, I've made it in a way that the ship isn't some big age gap thing and it is NOT Harry x Voldemort)

After the war Harry distances himself from everyone, feeling empty. He spends a year in solitude, only writing letters to communicate. When he's finally drawn from Grimuald Place by the Weasleys, Hermione appears at his front door with urgent and unsettling news. Harry realizes the hidden horrors of his years at Hogwarts and, together, with the help of Hermione, the two formulate a plan to redeem it all. Though, when it all goes sideways, Death shows himself to Harry, his master, and offers him a once in a lifetime opportunity. Will he take it?

Harry Potter and the Trip Through Time (Book one done, book two in progress)

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Harry Potter and the Trip Through Time (Book one done, book two in progress)

Main ship: Teenage Harry x Teenage Tom Riddle (Again, it works in this AU. Also, feel like I have to just say this every time, this is NOT Harry x Voldemort)

After Voldemort returns, Harry Potter falls into a slump, mourning the loss of his friend and knowing that the final battle is soon to come. He worries that he will never be good enough to defeat a wizard that has fifty years of magical experience on him. Can he find a way to level out the playing field?

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