preference 121 » you see your ex-boyfriend

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warning: mentions of cheating, violence

STEFAN: You and Stefan were walking down the street, hand in hand when you saw your ex-boyfriend approaching, and licking your lips nervously, you could only hope he wouldn't see you — to no avail. "Oh, hi! Y/N! It's been forever", a familiar spoke up quickly, but his attempts to be all friendly were shot down by Stefan, whose hold on you tightened. He didn't have to a say thing, just the glare in his eyes was enough to terrify your ex. Stefan knew his presence made you uncomfortable, so silently, he scared him away from the two of you.

DAMON: You and Damon were hanging out at the Mystic Grill, drinking and having fun on a Saturday evening. Then, someone unexpected entered the place and walked to you two. "Oh, what a nice surprise to see you here, Y/N", he grinned to you, and glanced at Damon who drank his drink, and crossed his arms. "Can't say the same about you", he lifted an eyebrow and showed him his sarcastic, cocky look, obviously not happy to see the guy who had broken your heart. "Yeah", you agreed, "I've moved on, you should try it sometime."

JEREMY: You never thought you would bump into your ex-boyfriend in Mystic Falls, but oh, you were wrong. You and Jeremy were walking on the school hallway, when you literally bumped to your ex who grinned widely. "Hey Y/N. And... hey to you too. I don't remember you having a little brother, Y/N?", he smiled in confusion, looking at Jeremy, who was fuming already. "That's because I don't have one. This is my boyfriend", you couldn't help but look a little smug as you leaned in to give Jeremy a big, loving smooch on the lips.

ELIJAH: Klaus was throwing a party, and you were attending it with Elijah. When you two walked in, you immediately noticed a familiar guy in the crowd of people. "Why is he here?", you whispered angrily, and concluding from the tightening hold on your hand, seeing your ex-boyfriend was an unpleasant surprise to him too. However, you weren't letting him scare you off, so instead, you and Elijah had fun and made sure your ex noticed, from the slow dancing to the intense kisses shared underneath the colorful lights.

KLAUS: Klaus and you were walking around New Orleans, when someone called out your name. "Y/N! How are you? It's been years!", you heard a delighted exclaim, and when you both turned around you saw your ex-boyfriend standing there with a large grin. Before you could get a single word out, Klaus had interjected with an annoyed look. "Well, why don't you go and add more years to it mate?", he suggested with a smirk and forced your ex to leave you two alone. You giggled and thanked him, before you two could continue your walk.

KOL: You were at a party with Kol, but he had left to get you two some drinks. You felt a tap on your shoulder and you smiled when you turned around, expecting to see Kol but instead, you saw your ex. "Hello, Y/N", was all he could say, when memories of being cheated on already made their way into your mind, and you took him down with a powerful punch. As your ex fell to the floor, Kol appeared by your side, wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer. "That's my girl", he smiled approvingly, kissing your temple softly.

KAI: You and Kai sat on a bench of a park together, and looked around and just enjoyed the beautiful weather, when a dark shadow — quite literally — ruined the whole view. "Y/N?", your ex smiled at the sight of you, and as you rolled your eyes at the unwelcome appearance, Kai looked between the two of you in confusion. "Wait, who's this?", he knitted his eyebrows together, and chuckling, your former lover was more than willing to elaborate. "Y/N's ex", he explained simply, and clapping his hands together, Kai remembered the nights he had comforted you through the painful break-up. "Oh! Well, in that case...", he stood up, and with that, punched the guy in the face.

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