preference 7 » you swear in front of him

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STEFAN: "Ow, fuck!", you yelled at the feeling of painfully hitting your pinky toe against the table. You crouched over and whined at the throbbing pain, several other swear words slipping from your lips as you rubbed your reddening toe. On the other side of the room sat Stefan, raising his eyebrows at you while an amused smile played on his lips, earning a glare from you but it didn't wipe the grin away. 

DAMON: "Oh, shit!", escaped your mouth at the realization of forgetting your phone at home, something that rarely happened to you. In your defense, it rarely happened to anyone nowadays. Throwing an arm over your shoulders, Damon couldn't help but eye you curiously. "Whoa, you okay?", he was quickly questioning, and once you had sighed in defeat and nodded, his lips curled upward. "Good, because that was hot."

JEREMY: "Are you fucking kidding me?", you groaned while digging through your bag only to come to the conclusion that you had forgotten your toothbrush at home. You were staying at Jeremy's place tonight, and you hated leaving your teeth unclean, so this was clearly a catastrophe. "What?", Jeremy laughed, evidently shocked to hear you swear, but maybe he kind of liked it, too. "I'm sorry", you mumbled, but he didn't mind, concluding from the way he pulled you into a kiss. "Don't be", he just breathed out.

ELIJAH: "What the fuck", you muttered under your breath, staring at the news article you had opened up on the screen of your phone. You hadn't even realized that the three words had slipped from your lips until Elijah had poked your leg from the other side of the couch, looking up from his book with a surprised look. "What was that?", he raised an eyebrow, earning a shake of your head from you, while you insisted it was nothing. "I thought so too", Elijah replied casually, returning to his book, although there was no hiding the smile on his lips.

KLAUS: "Shit, fuck, shit", you repeated, overwhelmed by the burn that spread out on your skin, surrounding the cut you had stupidly gotten while cooking. Klaus couldn't help but smirk, offering a hand while remaining silent about the rather active swearing from your behalf, though you suspected he was going to tease you about it later. And needless to say, you weren't wrong. 

KOL: "Oh, motherfucker. That burns", you stuttered when the hot food you were eating touched your tongue and mouth. Everyone at the table raised their eyes at you — Elijah looked rather uncomfortable while Klaus had a grin on his face. Rebekah looked somewhat surprised, but Kol simply put his arm around you and smirked. "That's my girl, everyone. I've taught her well", he said and kissed your cheek, hopefully to make the burning blush go away.

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