preference 103 » his guilty pleasure

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STEFAN: Doing your hair. You find out about this only after months of dating, but you do love the way he'll try out new hairstyles for you, or just absentmindedly caress it for you.

DAMON: Your favorite bands. Sometimes you don't really stand eye to eye on what to listen, but with time, he grows rather fond of the music you love, although he rarely admits it.

JEREMY: Chocolate. Sure, he works out and is in good shape, but he cannot resist some chocolate. It's a surefire way to make up if you ever have a fight, and an even better way to comfort him through tough times.

ELIJAH: Swearing. Elijah usually never uses bad language around you, but with his stress levels being at some celestial level, it's no wonder he finds relief in cursing sometimes. You find it kind of hot.

KLAUS: Chick flicks. At first, you laughed at the idea of him watching them, but turns out he loves them just as much as you do. But hey, who hasn't dreamed of being a part of one?

KOL: Singing. Whenever he hears a great song, he feels the urge to sing out loud and yell out the lyrics, but he controls himself in situations where he should most definitely not sing. You love his little habit, though.

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