preference 61 » what you argue about

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STEFAN: You want to be a vampire, but he isn't willing to take away your life by doing it. Sometimes, when the fights get bad, you'll threaten him with going to Damon because you both know he would actually do it. You don't usually argue for a long time, but you do it often, as the supernatural troubles tend to bring the subject always back up. Although you make up every time, and you settle for your human life, you never stop trying to turn his head.

DAMON: You argue about his bad habit of getting into trouble and being so incredibly impulsive. You're simply afraid of him getting hurt — he's your everything, and the thought of someone one day ripping his heart out or staking him terrifies you. He's always in some kind of a mess, and it drives you crazy but you'll calm down when he kisses you and spends a few days alone with you. And of course, every time, he comes back home to you.

JEREMY: You suppose it's the side effect of growing up and becoming more of muscular eye candy rather than a scrawny, angsty stoner, but lately girls have been all over him. You know it feels good to get attention, especially since he hasn't been very popular before, but still, you feel jealousy and like he isn't paying enough attention to you. Whenever you mention about it and ask for him to stop flirting with other women, he defends himself and insists it's nothing — which you know is true, but you still don't like it. Luckily, at the end of the day, you're the only girl he needs attention from.

ELIJAH: You don't really argue or fight. Sometimes, yes, but it's always because of small irrelevant things, like which movie you're going to watch tonight or what you should eat for dinner. But they never last for long, and he lets you win, because he just can't stay mad at you nor stand your pouting. He's a kind man, and doesn't like arguing in the first place so doing it with you is definitely something he hates with passion. He'll much rather kiss you and let you decide the movie or dinner.

KLAUS: You argue about the way he always returns to New Orleans because of his obsession of owning the city. In your opinion, he's taking it too seriously, and you hate the way he sometimes puts his addiction with power ahead of you and your relationship. However, you try to support him and stand by him, which is why the arguments usually end well, and he'll promise to stay away from New Orleans for a few weeks, or take you there with him.

KOL: Your fights are mostly about you and your safety. Much like Kol, you are impulsive and strong-willed and do whatever you want, which is what initially attracted him to you, but upon growing closer with you, he becomes more worried. He wants you to stay home and stay out of trouble, but you rarely let him tell you what to do, which often leads into dangerous situation and him lashing out because "you could have died", but in the end you hug it out and he explains how much you mean to him, and how he can't afford to lose you.

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