preference 96 » his reaction when you tell him you're pregnant

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STEFAN: he starts to cry, and in tears of joy pulls you into a hug and promises to be there for you now and always, and to be a good father to the baby.

DAMON: he thinks he's too dangerous for you and the baby, so he leaves, but eventually realizes his mistake and comes back apologizing and tells you he wants to be a part of the baby's life and to keep you both safe.

JEREMY: he is happier than ever. you've been trying for several months now, and when the pregnancy test finally confirms your hopes and dreams, you are both over the moon.

ELIJAH: he becomes even more protective than before. he didn't always dream of having a child, but you are the love of his life and starting a family together sounds amazing to him.

KLAUS: he is against the idea, and shows no interest in raising a child with you. however, he sticks by your side during the pregnancy, and eventually warms up to the thought and stops fighting. 

KOL: he is scared. he never planned on becoming a father, and he isn't always a very good person, so he's afraid he'll screw it up somehow. you calm him down, and throughout the pregnancy, he grows more reassured and confident that he can do this.

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