preference 73 » you're curvy

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// this was requested, hopefully it fulfills what you wished to get ! and thank you sOOOO much for almost 10,000 reads, that is just insane and amazing and thank you very much i love you guys okay this is so great !! also, i hope you guys know that no matter what your body type is, you are BEAUTIFUL! x

warnings: insecurities

STEFAN: Yes, you were curvy, and usually you loved your body, as you had learned to be confident about it. But tonight, you were anything but confident. You sighed as you sat down onto your bed and let your head fall to your hands, while trying to swallow down the fact none of your dresses fit you anymore. Of course, it was natural to grow out of some clothes, but you couldn't help but feel like it'd be better to have skinnier thighs, and not such broad hips. "I can't do this. I don't fit into anything, I'm too f—", you began quietly, but Stefan was quick to cut your sentence. "Don't even say it", he gave you a warning look. "You know exactly how stunning you are. Not flawless, but no one is."

DAMON: Damon loved your curves a lot, and always made you feel beautiful and sexy just the way you were, even if you didn't need his reassurance. Naturally, sometimes you got insecure, and felt ugly but Damon was always there to raise your chin up and make you smile and feel pretty again. However, usually, it was more of you strutting confidently and him following like a lovesick puppy, desperate to have your company and affection, as he was far too deep in love, and utterly mesmerized by your incredible body. And you most definitely knew what an effect you had on him, and didn't hesitate to play with the advantage a little more.

JEREMY: You and Jeremy were going to beach with some friends, and you were actually really excited, considering he had bought you a new swimsuit and this would be your first time trying it on. You went to your shared bathroom where you got ready to put it on, but your excited smile died as soon as you noticed that it wasn't a swimsuit, it was a bikini. You cursed angrily, Jeremy knew very well you didn't love your body as much as he did, and you knew he had bought it on purpose. "I know what you're thinking, but please, try it on", Jeremy pleaded from the other side of the door, knowing what you were thinking about. "You'll look stunning, I swear, you're so beautiful — just trust me", he encouraged, until you agreed and came out looking awesome, as always. You did appreciate his attempts to make you more confident.

ELIJAH: You were, in your opinion, a little chubby, but Elijah loved to use the word curvy more. He thought you were sexy, but you didn't believe him which was why you started to work out more often. After a few weeks, you proudly stepped onto your scale, ready to see some change in the numbers, but your smile disappeared when you saw how you hadn't lost any weight. Biting down to your lip, you held back tears, and alarmed by the silence, Elijah was quickly by your side with his hand resting against your back. "Oh, darling. Those numbers are irrelevant. They don't measure beauty, Y/N. But you, you are the most exquisite woman I have ever seen, and whatever that damned scale says, it will remain the truth."

KLAUS: You were nothing like your friends, who were all rather skinny while you were more curvy. You didn't feel insecure though, instead you felt very confident and loved your body despite the occasional haters — so did Klaus, who was always there for you and ready to end anyone who dared to insult you and your perfect body. He loved every single part of you, and always made sure you felt the same way about yourself, even if he also appreciated your independence and how you recognized your worth without anyone else. You rarely felt sad about your body type, and you never compared yourself to others, but the way Klaus treated you and made you feel confident and sexy showed you that you didn't even have to.

KOL: You had been hesitant and nervous around Kol since day one. You knew he was quite the ladies' man, and that the women he flirted with were more often than not, skinny, tall, almost too perfect, while you were the opposite of his usual model types. Still, he felt undeniably attracted to you, and weight didn't really matter to him, but you were beyond insecure, which was why you tried to avoid intimate moments with him. Not just sex, but merely his hands on your hips forced you to inch away. He didn't notice your habit of doing so, not at first, but once he did, he didn't hesitate to bring it up. "I understand why you are insecure, love, but I assure you, you have no reason to be. Not with me, ever. If anything, I believe I am unworthy of you. And we'll take things as slow as you need", he was nothing but reassuring with you, and supportive every step of the way.

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