preference 22 » his hands

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STEFAN: they are always holding yours, or then on your waist. he loves to hold you near and he never wants to let go, which encourages him to always protectively hold you with a tight grip. you love it, of course.

DAMON: they're big, warm and soft. you love holding them, and having them cup your face which he does often to pull you into a kiss. you love his hands, wherever they are.

JEREMY: jeremy's hands are strong and he isn't afraid to use them for violence to protect you from threats, doesn't matter if are they supernatural or just people trying to hit on you. yet with you, they are gentle and loving.

ELIJAH: his hands are usually helping you with everything. for example, whenever you have a hard time holding things in your smaller ones, they come to save you. he also loves to pull you into a loving hug with them and place them on your back.

KLAUS: they're gentle and loving. everything about him radiates love for you, but his hands are always all over you. not necessarily in a sexual way, he just loves to touch you and feel you.

KOL: well, what can you expect. he loves to hold you in a hug and caress you with his hands, but you're not surprised when they wander off to your body to do something little more.

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