preference 12 » nightmares

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STEFAN: You woke up from your sleep, drenched in sweat and terror. You had seen the most terrible nightmare, yet the memory of it started to fade away as you took deep breaths and tried to control yourself and hold in tears. "Hey, is everything OK?", you heard your boyfriend ask. You turned to Stefan, who was sleeping beside you and slowly opening his eyes. "Nightmare", you sighed and closed your eyes as you rested your head against the wall. "Come here, I'll hold you for the rest of the night", Stefan promised and you directed a smile of gratitude at him before you slumped back down and tightly next to him.

DAMON: You had gone to bed alone, while Damon was still working on some stuff in the living room, but you had insisted it was alright. You weren't a little girl anymore, you didn't need his protection. Or so you thought. That was until you awoke from an awful nightmare with a scream, and in an instant Damon was flashing into the room and taking you to his arms. "Calm down, whatever you dreamed about wasn't real. I'm here now", he comforted you, looking into your eyes and trying his best to snap you out of it and remind what was reality and what was not.

JEREMY: You didn't have nightmares very often. But when you did, they were bad. Like, really bad. Jeremy knew that they could get to you, which was why you had told him what to do when you have one. So when you one night woke up trembling and crying because of what you had dreamed of, Jeremy ran out of the room and soon returned with a glass of water and gave it to you while caressing your hair and telling you sweet things. It took you some time to calm down, but when you did and fell asleep again, you saw the nicest dream you could ever imagine, all thanks to him.

ELIJAH: You had spent the night with your best friend, Elijah, and when he had left, you went to sleep with a smile on your face, something that always remained after spending time with him. The truth was, you had feelings for him, and you were starting to feel like he felt the same way about you. Despite the great mood you were in, you had a nightmare, and shaken to your very core by the scary images that continued to swirl in your mind, you called Elijah who returned to your house as quickly as possible. Of course, he spent the rest of the night holding you, lulling you into the most peaceful sleep you had ever had.

KLAUS: You had nightmares very often. Almost every night, but almost every night you also had Klaus there with and for you. Except this one time. He was out of town, and you had probably the hardest nightmare to deal with, ever. You were sweaty, crying, just absolutely terrified and afraid of falling asleep again. So you called Klaus, even though you knew he couldn't come to you right now, but at least you got to have an hour long conversation with him that calmed you down and got you through the night. 

KOL: You and Kol had nightmares equally frequently, which you found great due to your ability to then share them afterwards. Whether it was at 3 AM, or in the morning at the breakfast table, the two of you always told one another about last night's dreams and offered support and comfort for each other. It made the nightmares more bearable, just knowing that you had someone there for you, someone who knew how you felt and didn't try to shrug your struggles off as no big deal.

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