preference 33 » something relaxing you do together

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STEFAN: You love to take long walks together. Hand in hand, quietly, just adoring the nature and being close to each other while breathing in the fresh air. It's calming, especially with the person you loved the most right next to you.

DAMON: Talk on the couch. Maybe with snacks or drinks, but either way it is relaxing to just sit down with him, calm down for a moment and talk about whatever is going on in your mind. You both love to listen to each other.

JEREMY: Watch movies. There is hardly any time to do that because of the busy town, but sometimes you just sit down, chill and watch a good movie or two. You both love movies and talking about them together afterwards is just perfect.

ELIJAH: Read books. Sometimes you both sit there in silence, or maybe your head is on his lap and he's playing with your hair, but sometimes you read to each other. There is nothing more calming than listening to Elijah while reads a book to you.

KLAUS: Take naps. You cuddle until you fall asleep, your legs tangled and he holds you close. You don't sleep for long times, maybe thirty minutes or less but they are relaxing and after a nap you both have the energy to do something else again.

KOL: Listen to peaceful, calming music. You close your eyes and let yourself fall to his lap and maybe even fall asleep, but also just being there in a silent state is just perfect. You both love the way the music is the only sound in the room and it's just quiet and peaceful.

// did i thank you already i don't know, but anyway, thank you for 2K reads ! that's so insane, not very many days ago this had only 300 reads... thank you so much ! 

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