preference 39 » he cries

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warning: tons of angst, death

STEFAN: "I'm sorry, but I have to... I can't do this", you stammered and looked at Stefan. You were breaking up with him and it was the hardest thing ever but you had to do it. You couldn't live with the fact he was constantly in danger and so were you, unless you'd let go and right now that was exactly what you were doing. Stefan let out a sob and he nodded with red eyes full of tears. "Don't explain. I know, but it'll just hurt more", he whispered and left the room while crying.

DAMON: "I-I tried to-", you started but he cut you off with a delicate kiss. You were slowly dying on his arms. You got hurt so seriously you couldn't be saved, and you didn't want to be a vampire so you asked Damon to let you go. He agreed to do so, but now he was clearly having second thoughts. "I love you", he whispered while silent tears rolled down on his cheeks and dropped to your face. "I love you too", were your last words.

JEREMY: He missed you so bad. He missed you so, so much. You were away for a month because of personal reasons, and when you finally came back you ran to his arms and he squeezed so hard it hurt, but you let him do it anyway. "I missed you so much", he said and cried against your head. You told him how much you missed him and loved him, and he only cried more. It made you smile, because to you, it meant that he really cared about you.

ELIJAH: You opened your eyes and took a deep breath. Your mind was blank and you felt new and... somewhat different. You were hungry. You turned to look at Elijah who sat beside you, crying silently. A weak smile visited his face when he saw you. "I'm sorry, darling, but you got very hurt and I, I was s-so selfish that I gave you my blood and you died and- I'm so sincerely sorry my love", he stuttered, making you realize you were now a vampire. You swallowed loudly, and pulled him into a hug and assured it was alright.

KLAUS: You and Klaus had a wonderful relationship, but ever since your hometown started to become more and more dangerous, he had tried to make you move away. "I'm sorry, love, but this is necessary", he said and grabbed your face gently. You noticed how he started to cry quietly, as he compelled you to leave town and stay out of there until he makes sure it's safe to return.

KOL: You two had a big fight and you were walking outside for hours. When you finally returned home, ready to talk things through and possibly forgive Kol, he ran to you and pulled you into a hug. You knew he was seriously sorry for all the yelling and hurting your feelings, because he was crying and you had never seen him do that. You forgave him for starting the fight out of nowhere, and cuddled for the rest of the night.

// oh my god what is this i'm sorry

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