preference 38 » sex

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warning: obviously, talk about sex

: He goes gentle on you, but you know he fights back the urge to throw you on the bed and take you senselessly until the bed breaks. Sometimes, you allow him to do whatever he wants to you, because it is quite enjoyable, and he is certain he's the luckiest man in the world.

DAMON: You'll do it wherever and whenever you want. He undresses you in seconds, and all you have to do is ask. He'll do it whenever you want him to, but when the action starts he'll take control. He's rough, but you love it. A lot.

JEREMY: He adores your body and whenever you have sex, he has to touch you all the time to make sure you're actually real and not an angel or something. He'll go gentle on you if you want to, but sometimes you have to tell him to calm down because he's just too excited.

ELIJAH: He surprises you every time with his rough ways with you. He doesn't want to hurt you, but he can't control himself around you. He'll take you in any position and around the house and until you can't walk in the morning.

KLAUS: He is surprisingly sweet and gentle. You trust him, but you initially expected the Original Hybrid to be more hardcore, only for him to prove you wrong by showering you with love and attention throughout the night. 

KOL: You usually lose your sleep because of sex. He wants to do it through the night and pleasure you until the morning and obviously you can't say no. But this happens nearly every night, so sometimes you spend your days just sleeping.

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