preference 62 » where he takes you for a first date

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STEFAN: A romantic restaurant. He knows it's kind of a cliche, but he loves the idea of being there with you and wants to make it come true. He ends the night by taking you home, and giving you a sweet kiss.

DAMON: He plans on taking you out for drinks, but when the place he's planning on taking you is closed, you end up at Mystic Grill and get wasted together. It's not very romantic or ideal to some girls, but you've needed the relaxation after a long week and appreciate his effort.

JEREMY: You two go to see a movie, which you kind of expect to be some cheesy rom-com, but it's actually more horror. Obviously, he's dreaming about you being scared and leaning against him, but instead you love the movie, and he's th scared one.

ELIJAH: He takes you to an amusement park, buys you cotton candy and popcorn and wins you a huge teddy bear. It's like from a movie, especially when you two are at the top of the ferris wheel and he kisses you softly and carefully.

KLAUS: You spend the evening at his place, talking, drinking some expensive fancy wine and letting the hours pass in comfort. It's so cozy and lovely, you two end up staying up until morning, which is when he finally reaches out and gives you a big kiss.

KOL: Ice skating is his guilty pleasure, and at first you giggle at the idea of him dancing on the ice — although he doesn't do that kind of stuff, he just loves to skate — but you agree to go ice skating with him nevertheless. You end up falling on top of him (totally accidentally) which obviously leads to a passionate kiss on the ice while his arms wrap you into a warm embrace.

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