preference 58 » he follows your social media

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STEFAN: You were very active on Instagram, and there was this mysterious account with 0 followers, 0 posts and only one person it was following — you. He liked all of your photos, and sometimes commented sweet things on them but whenever you tried to ask for his name or a photo of him, he wouldn't answer. Little did you know, it was a certain Salvatore brother living in the same town as you, with quite the blossoming friendship between the two of you.

DAMON: Your Twitter account was well-known, though you weren't a celebrity of any kind. Even though you had thousands followers, one of them was always there. He had no icon, no header, he had no tweets — except for yours that he had retweeted. He was an eager follower you, and you had no idea who he was, although you were interested and mildly flattered by the attention.

JEREMY: You were often on Kik, and you had shared your username online so you would have people to talk to all the time. There was this guy, who just wouldn't send you any photos and literally all you knew about him was his name. Of course, the lack of photos was because you'd recognize him as the cute Gilbert boy from down the street in a heartbeat. However, he still managed to make your days with his sweet messages, good morning wishes and reminders that you were awesome.

ELIJAH: Some people thought Facebook was now an old thing, and only old people used it, but you didn't think so. You used it actively, and so did a mysterious guy who had never approached you except for the adorable comments on your photos and the support on your updates. You, however, were intrigued so you were the one to send a message to him, only to eventually come to the realization that you knew the person behind the profile, after all, and the newly-gained information only made your heart race faster.

KLAUS: You loved writing, and Wattpad was definitely the place for you. You had an admirer who was above all, he sent you messages, voted for your updates and commented on them. He was always supporting you in every way, making you feel like a professional writer, and it always brightened your day to see a notification with his cryptic username on it. Though he wouldn't tell you much about himself, you felt lucky to have such a caring person support you and your creativity.

KOL: You enjoyed making videos, and posted them on YouTube for other people to enjoy. Whether it was one with you talking about your day, or an edit you had worked on for hours, one specific subscriber was always there — showering you with compliments and attention. And honestly, you would have lied if you insisted that it didn't feel good. In fact, you eventually found yourself looking forward to his comments the most.


sooo, this chapter has now been updated because 1) the last version was so terrible and 2) it was creepy, so here is a new and improved version which, i think, is better (: also, internet friends = real friends and not all people are creeps, but not all people are dreamy soulmates either so be careful y'all!! you are in no way obligated to let someone cross a line with you or tolerate stalking from anyone x

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