preference 70 » your first impression of him

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STEFAN: You thought Stefan was very mysterious and as you got to know him better, you noticed how he would sometimes do what felt like pushing you away. He was indeed very hard to read, but when you found out he was a vampire, a lot of things started to make sense, and he wasn't so distant anymore.

DAMON: When you first met Damon, you immediately thought he was arrogant, confident and did whatever he wanted to. And well, you weren't very wrong, but now, you have grown to love it about him and gotten used to his determined personality.

JEREMY: You thought of Jeremy as a weird kid and you tried to stay away from him, thinking he could either be trouble or then just plain weird. Somehow you ended up becoming friends with him anyway, which made you discover how sweet and great he really was, and that was obviously a beginning to a wonderful bond.

ELIJAH: At first, you were scared of Elijah. Everyone told you terrible stories about him and referred to him as one's worst nightmare but when you met him, you got to know how noble and wonderful he really was. He himself wiped away every irrational fear and assumption you had of him, causing you to eventually fall for him.

KLAUS: You hated Klaus, although you hadn't even officially met him but the things you had heard were so horrible. He seemed like a terrible person, and he was wreaking havoc for your friends, but as soon as you got to meet and really know him, you felt bad for him and grew to love him despite the bad things he had done.

KOL: When you first met Kol, you knew and felt like he was nothing but trouble. You didn't like flirty boys with cheeky grins and all that stuff, but he got under your skin nonetheless, and you ended up in a relationship with him.

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