preference 54 » public sex

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// pretty sure you already know what's coming ahead but still, here's a warning. sexual content.

STEFAN: "I swear, if we get caught I will never speak to you again", you mumbled as Stefan undressed you in the bathroom stall. You were both too frustrated to waste any more time, and you didn't mind except for the fact getting caught would be the most humiliating thing ever. "We won't", he whispered reassuringly before cradling you in his arms and lining himself between your legs, encouraging you to hang onto his broad shoulders as he pressed you against the wall. Needless to say, the way the stalls were hitting one another with each rough thrust wasn't quite as subtle as you had hoped, but the rush was indescribable.

DAMON: "We can't", you giggled and tried to stop Damon's hands, knowing full-well that getting caught in the mall's dressing room wouldn't end too nicely. However, Damon made a pretty convincing case with, "But we can", and before you even realized, he was holding you against the wall with his inhuman strength and suffocating your moans with his intense kisses, while his hips relentlessly met yours with a steady pace. You wished you could say this was a first, but being Damon's girlfriend, you had found yourself having sex in weirder places — though it never really stopped being a lot of fun.

JEREMY: "Let's go back to others", you suggested after pulling away from a passionate kiss with Jeremy. You were trekking in the woods, looking for whatever Damon and Stefan had insisted on finding, but the two of you were yet to come across anything special. Well, except for a rather wild idea. "Or we could have sex right here, right now", Jeremy grinned, the look on your face enough for him to know what you were thinking. You laughed at first, but all it took was a few heated kisses, and it quickly developed into what was undoubtedly uncomfortable, but far too satisfying to regret.

ELIJAH: Elijah had taken you on a picnic, which would have been a rather sweet gesture if it wasn't for the damn whipped cream that was taking things into a more intriguing direction. "Are you certain?", he asked with a raised eyebrow, always the gentleman, while his fingers stroked your bare hips and thighs, pondering on whether or not to take the next step. But all you had to do was nod, and in a matter of minutes you were already having the best sex of your life on a silent meadow, excluding your blissful moans and the sound of your bodies meeting in the middle with each deep, loving thrust.

KLAUS: You were at the local library with Klaus, researching something that was long forgotten when he pressed you against the bookcases and started to kiss your neck. "We're gonna get kicked out", you whispered while your head fell back and your eyes closed, but despite your words, Klaus showed no signs of stopping. "Or perhaps you must simply remain quiet", his words were hot on your neck, as well as challenging when he unzipped his jeans and invited you to wrap your legs around his waist. If it wasn't for his large hand on your mouth, you would have surely been caught, but instead you were left in the incredible thrill while he groaned onto your shoulder and desperately slammed into you.

KOL: "This will take forever", you complained at the stuck elevator, where you had been trapped for the better part of an hour now. You had panicked at first, but Kol had calmed you down and reassured that you'd be let out in no time, convincing you to stay relaxed. "I know what we can do to kill time", Kol lifted an eyebrow while he pulled you closer and dropped his head down to kiss you. Bored and frustrated out of your mind, you let the adrenaline rush take you further, and soon enough, you were pressed into the cold mirror of the elevator, giving you the chance to watch the rough thrusts from the reflective walls around you.

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