thank you

21.5K 214 26

Well, here it is. The official ending of my first TVD preference/imagine book! But don't you worry, there will be a second one up shortly. I just don't think it's very smart to have one book with 500 parts, it's smarter to have many books with less parts. At least I think so. Anyway, I want to thank you all for the support you have given me. When I started this book, I was so sure no one would read this but I still wanted to do it, and honestly I was surprised when this got 300 reads and look at it now - 61K reads! THAT IS AWESOME. I'm still waiting for the moment where I wake up and realize this has been a dream... I love you guys.

So basically requests for this book are closed, but when I soon start the other one I will take requests for both preferences and imagines again. The next book will include Stefan, Damon, Jeremy, Elijah, Klaus, Kol and Kai as well, though maybe in a new order. I will add more characters if they are wished, though. 

But all this will be informed again when I start the second preference book, so don't panic. Thank you all for reading this, hopefully this continues to get reads and hopefully the second one gets as many. 

oh and also, a fantastic gif on the side just because it is so important. 

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