preference 83 » he finds out that you like him

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// I wasn't quite sure how to phrase the title (does that even sound reasonable I do not know) but I'm pretty sure you'll get the idea.
THANK YOU for 14K reads, this is so ... agh, I can't even put it to words. I didn't think this would ever reach over 10,000 reads but... wow. thank you. this is wonderful.

STEFAN: Caroline, Elena and Bonnie were at your house — you were having a girls' night. You had forgotten your charger at Stefan's place, so you called him if he could bring it to you, and obviously he promised to come right away. "I think I'm falling in love with Stefan", you admitted to your friends, at the worst possible timing. Or maybe it was the best possible. They coughed and looked behind you awkwardly, making you realize Stefan was there. You turned around and your eyes widened as you realized what you had slipped out. "Uh, we'll give you two a moment", Caroline said and they all left the room, giving you time to sort out what you felt for each other.

DAMON:  You and Stefan were really good friends, so when you felt yourself falling for Damon, obviously you texted him first. It took you a lot of courage to send the message, because even if it wasn't Damon himself, admitting the feelings was a big step for you. You sent the message though, but as soon as it was sent, you realized that while thinking about Damon you had accidentally texted him. You screamed, but understood that it had happened and there was nothing you could do. He answered with a winky face, and then added that he liked you too.

JEREMY: You had told Elena that you loved Jeremy, hoping for some relief you could get from admitting it. Elena promised to always be there for you if you needed to talk about it. Soon you found out, that as an active diary writer she had written it down as well — your feelings for his brother. You didn't mind, until she told you that Jeremy had secretly read her diary and now knew about your love for him. When you had the courage to face him, he didn't hesitate — he pulled you into a kiss and told you that he felt the same way.

ELIJAH: You were having dinner with Elijah and Rebekah on one day, at their place. You were nervous, because of the feelings you had for Elijah, which you were desperately trying to handle. You had also told Rebekah, believing that she wouldn't slip it out of her mouth. But she did. The whole dinner went so well, until Rebekah happened to accidentally mention your crush on Elijah. He turned to look at you and smiled, while staring into your eyes until he carefully blushed and looked down, possibly signing that he liked you as well.

KLAUS: You weren't always "a girly girl", but when it came to having a crush on someone, you were one of those people who drew hearts in their notebooks and tried different surnames and whatnot. You hated yourself for having a crush on Klaus, because you just felt like it couldn't possibly end well, and you seriously wanted to keep it a secret. But when Klaus came to visit you, you had left your notebook with full of girly dreamy stuff in it open on the table that Klaus happened to set his eyes on. He grabbed the notebook, and found out about your love for him, causing him to endlessly tease until he finally ended your torment by suggesting a date.

KOL: You and Kol had had a very emotional day. You were in danger, and he saved you, and you yelled at him for reasons you didn't even know about until he cornered you against the wall. He stared into your eyes, deeply and seriously, and then compelled you to tell him what you really thought of him. He hated the thought of you hating him, so it was important for him to know if it was the truth or not. Unable to control the words tumbling out of your mouth, you admitted that you actually had deep feelings for him, and he smiled happily before pushing his lips onto yours and kissing you passionately.

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