preference 98 » before bed...

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// holy shit thank you for all the reads this has already ! love you guys !

warning: just slight references to sex

STEFAN: ...he makes you both hot chocolate or tea, depending on your mood. Then you might cuddle for a while before going to sleep, and just relax, so falling asleep will be easier.

DAMON: unload all your energy on stuff like dancing, cooking, and just having fun so you will be tired in bed and falling asleep won't be a problem.

JEREMY: talk about how your day was and share your thoughts to each other. Talking relaxes and so does laughing, which you always do around Jeremy. You almost always fall asleep happy.

ELIJAH: take a warm shower together, and sometimes it gets hot and intense in there, but afterwards you feel relaxed and tired and head to bed quickly.

KLAUS: take a walk outside and enjoy the fresh chilly air. Usually you get cold, but never take a better coat, because you love how Klaus pulls you closer to him and warms you up. In bed, you feel loved and fall asleep easily.

KOL: sometimes watch a movie, but usually you end up making out, which leads to more. You don't mind though, at least you'll be exhausted whenever you decide to start sleeping.

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