preference 106 » how you meet

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// hey guysss! nearly 40K reads, huge thank yous to every single one of you. i have now added kai!

STEFAN: You were friends with Damon, and heading to his place where you two were supposed to spend some time together. Somehow, he had not mentioned that he has a brother, so when you knocked on the door you expected Damon himself to come and open it. But when the door opened, you saw a handsome stranger with a confused look on his face.

"Can I help you?", he asked and raised his eyebrows at you. The way he looked at you was like he had never seen something like you, but it could have been a negative thing. You glanced down at yourself, making sure you weren't looking there like a fool before you could stutter out how you were there for Damon. He let you in, and even though you were there to be with Damon, you could not stop thinking about his attractive brother.

DAMON: You had returned to Mystic Falls, your old home after a couple of years of being away. All your friends were excited to get you back, and showed you love and affection immediately. They told you that the town had some new, pretty significant people now, and warned you about Damon Salvatore who would just mess with your feelings.

And honestly, you did try your best at avoiding him. But it wasn't enough. "Why, hello", a smooth voice spoke up from behind you later that night, when you were at Mystic Grill all alone. He introduced himself and you knew you were dealing with trouble himself, but still you shook his hand and agreed to have a drink or two with him.

JEREMY: You were new in town, but you became friends with Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett and Elena Gilbert very quickly. They showed you the school and told you about the town and all that stuff, and you also found out that Elena had a brother — an attractice one, at that.

"You must be the new girl", was the first thing he said to you, in the school's hallway when you were alone, followed by a charming introduction. You shook his hand and knew that flirting with your new friend's brother would be just wrong, but he was too cute so you couldn't resist. And so you two began bonding, and ended up becoming really close.

ELIJAH: As a vampire, you had heard about the Originals and you were actually quite interested. So when you heard from your friends that they were in town, you rushed to the right location, knowing that even if you were told they were dangerous, you wanted to find them.

You bumped into someone when you sprinted elsewhere, and a thousand thoughts ran through your mind when you raised your look and saw a wonderfully dressed man with a fancy hair. He smirked and introduced himself as Elijah, while kissing the top of your hand.

KLAUS: You were roaming the streets of New Orleans, when you suddenly felt like someone was following you. You looked behind, but no one was there. Still, you felt alarmed and you started to walk faster. When you turned back around, you hit something solid and soon you figured out it was a body. A man.

"Hello there", a sensual, attractive voiced called from the shadows and you shivered as you managed to separate a handsome face from the darkness. He told you who he was and that his intentions were only good, and for some reason you felt like you could trust him. A connection between you two was born, immediately.

KOL: You weren't a vampire, though you knew about the supernatural people in your hometown, Mystic Falls. And you were constantly in danger because of being friends with vampires. So on one day you weren't even surprised, but still scared when you were chased. You tried to run, although you knew you were going to be caught soon.

And then the enemies chasing you were slaughtered and you screamed, but felt somewhat safe. Clearly someone was trying to protect you. You expected it to be Stefan, or Damon, or Caroline or someone else close to you, but it wasn't. An Original vampire, Kol Mikaelson, came out of the darkness and smiled at the show he put up. "Relax, darling, you're safe now", he said casually and took you to home.

KAI: You and Bonnie were sent to the other side, where you had fun, but also worried about stuff. Like how this seemed to be final. You thought you were alone, as well. That was until, on one day you found someone else there and got surprised.

"Oh, hi", a casual greeting left the young man's mouth while he eyed you both, like reviewing the sight in front of his eyes, but you were sure he had been watching you before. "Nice to get some company", he added and smiled widely while he stared at you, and you stared at him, completely blocking Bonnie out of your mind. You already knew being here with him was going to be a test on your nerves.

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