preference 82 » something only you're allowed to use

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// okay guys what the f u c k 12,5k reads? a massive thank you, i love you and this is so amazing it feels great - i never thought this would get this much reads. tHANK YOU !!

STEFAN: his clothes. you love to wear his shirts and you're also the only one who has the permission to do so. you love how they smell like him and feel like home.

DAMON: his room. he doesn't like people hanging around in his bedroom nor bathroom but since you're his girlfriend, you can go there whenever you want.

JEREMY: his phone. he hates when people read his text messages or snoop around his camera roll but you have the special permission to do whatever you want with it.

ELIJAH: his journal(s). he doesn't exactly enjoy sharing his private thoughts with anyone, but to you he would show anything so he lets you read whatever he has written during his long life.

KLAUS: the daggers — the very daggers he has used on his siblings several times. though you don't use them on anyone, but he trusts in you enough to let you touch and keep them until he "needs" them.

KOL: his hair. you don't exactly "use" it, but only you are allowed to touch it, pull it, play with it. he doesn't like it when people mess with it but he doesn't mind your hands on him.

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