preference 37 » push-ups

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STEFAN: You giggled as you watched Stefan do push-ups on the floor. Without a shirt. You were turned on by it, but you didn't want him to stop so you tried to be quiet so he would let you adore the sight just a little bit more. Him working out was your weakness, and you always wanted to watch him. 

DAMON: Damon used to do push-ups whenever he was annoyed or angry or just bored. So you sometimes tried your best to irritate him, causing him to unload his frustration on working out and you loved it. Him doing push-ups was one of the hottest things you had ever witnessed.

JEREMY: You absolutely loved Jeremy doing push-ups. The way his back moved and his arms held his body up was just too good to not stare at. He usually did it without a shirt which only made things better. And you just loved how he got all sweaty and hot.

ELIJAH: Whenever he did push-ups, you gave him motivation by being under him and giving him a kiss when he came down to you. Usually he got distracted, and so did you so after less than twenty push-ups you ended up in the bed. But you didn't mind. It was just a different kind of workout.

KLAUS: Klaus doing push-ups was the best thing ever in your opinion. You always watched him, although he told you you only distracted him. So you secretly stared at him from your hiding place and enjoyed him doing them. Usually he caught from stalking, but at least you got to watch him for a while.

KOL: You always sat on top of him whenever he did push-ups so he would have more challenge. You loved watching him do them, and being on top of him while it happened was even more satisfying. Usually it ended with you being under him, though even then he did in fact do push-ups. Naked, though.

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