preference 42 » he admits his feelings (1/2)

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STEFAN: "I, uh, I need to tell you something. I've been trying to fight it, but I just can't anymore. I like you, Y/N. Not just like — I love you. And if you don't feel the same way, that's... that's fine, I don't want you to feel obligated to do anything. But I can't live another day with you not knowing how I feel. So there it is. I love you."

DAMON: "Listen, I don't know what will this do to our current friendship or whatever is between us, but I don't care. I'm in love with you. Seriously. You're the greatest person I have ever met and there are so many reasons why I care about you so much, but right now all I can think about is that you're really beautiful and I'm... nervous and you're way too good for me— and I'd like to take you out on a date. Tonight?"

JEREMY: "Okay, so this, is, um, not very easy to say, I think because, well, you know, I have known you for a long time and uh— I don't want to mess up what we have now but I have to confess that, um, I, uh, sort of, have feelings for you. And it's driving me crazy, because I really love you and I just— ugh, damn it, you look so pretty right now and I can't concentrate."

ELIJAH: "Forgive me, Y/N. I am aware of the risks I'm taking, but I can't hide the truth anymore. I am in love with you. Deeply, insanely, so much my heart and head aches and all I can think about is you no matter what I do or where I am and it is killing me. I don't expect you to feel the same way, but I do hope for it. I have completely fallen for you and I know this is a big step to take and a big thing for you to hear, but the feelings I have for you are so gigantic it is tearing me apart. I apologize for me being so forward, but I have to let you know this."

KLAUS: "There is something on my mind. Has been for some time now. And finally, I just have to confess it. I have taken a lot of risks before and I have been in dangerous situations but I'm afraid this is the biggest thing I have ever done. I...I have feelings for you. You have my heart in your hands and all I hope for you to do, is, don't crush it. Please. Don't break my heart. I need you by my side and if I can't have you... I don't know what to do."

KOL: "Darling, I love you. I love everything about you, from that silly smile to that adorable laugh and the way your eyes crinkle when you're happy, your foolish jokes and your cute little dancing... I am in love with you and I need you in my life, more than you are now, and I need to kiss you and hold you and I need you to be mine. This is dangerous, I know, and if you don't feel the same way, I will be embarrassed for eternity, but I bet it will be worth it. I have deep feelings for you, and you're constantly on my mind. I love you, alright?"

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