preference 23 » his eyes

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STEFAN: they always have this loving spark in them. he loves you with all his heart, and sometimes you catch him staring at you with a fond look and it just warms your heart. he looks at you like you're an angel, to be honest.

DAMON: they tell you what's really going on. If you think he's lying, all you have to do is take a good look at his eyes and create eye contact to see if he's, for example, really feeling down even if he says otherwise. you love his eyes, they're gorgeous and easy to get lost in.

JEREMY: they are either really in love, or then concerned. he loves to look at you fondly and realize how lucky he is, but then there are times when he's concerned of you and his eyes give it away so easily.

ELIJAH: they tease you. he claims he's just adoring your beauty, but the look he gives you is clearly seducing and you hate and love it at the same time. or maybe you just simply find it extremely attractive. either way, his eyes are incredibly beautiful.

KLAUS: they have a hint of evil and mischief in them, and you absolutely love it. sometimes you think you should be concerned about what he is thinking about, but he wipes all that away when his eyes soften to a loving look to show you how much he cares about you.

KOL: they're flirtatious, yet caring. he stares at you for long times and only with his eyes manages to make you go crazy. and whenever he gets jealous, he gives other people angry glares and you can't help but giggle.

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