preference 34 » he teaches you how to...

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STEFAN: Be a proper vampire. He had turned you as you wished, and he is there for you through every step until you get better at being one. He teaches you everything and little tricks too, to help yourself during tough situations.

DAMON: Not get drunk so easily. You tend to get tipsy after only a couple of drinks, but he somehow manages to teach you how to last for longer. You're glad, because you hate being the first one to lose their memory and get wasted.

JEREMY: Hunt vampires. It's maybe a little bit weird, but it's your couple thing. While others maybe have more common hobbies, you hunt supernatural blood-sucking people together. Cute, isn't it?

ELIJAH: Be quiet when it's needed. It sounds strict, but at least the way he teaches you is enjoyable - he teases you in public and seduces you but only if you're quiet and don't let anyone know.

KLAUS: Paint. You love art, but you don't know how to paint. You suck at it, honestly, but Klaus teaches you how to do it and your creative side starts to come out of you eventually. Now, you paint together and sometimes even each other.

KOL: Wrap his siblings around your fingers. You sometimes get frustrated because no one ever does what you want, so Kol teaches you how to get what you wish to have with little tricks. You learn that especially Elijah is easy to persuade.

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