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It was a cold and quite night in the Village Hidden in the Leaves. But then, the ground started to shake. No it isn't an earthquake, it's the villagers making the very ground shake. How? Well they are chasing a little boy who happens to be six years old. But the villagers doesn't see him as a little boy, they see him as the 'demon' that attacked their village six years ago.

His name is Naruto, Naruto Uzamaki-Namikaze, or for short; Naruto Uzakaze. Naruto is very smart boy for his age. His intelligence can rival that's of a Nara. He found out who was parents was on his own and even knows about the Kyubbi being sealed in him.

How did he found out his parents you ask?

It's not very hard when you think about it, I mean what other man had blonde hair and blue eyes in the village? And there has been only one Uzamaki that stayed in the village. He wasn't mad at his Jiji from keeping it from him he understood why he kept it from him but his Jiji made him a promise. If he got stronger, he would give Naruto everything that belonged to his parents. But let's get back to the point.

Naruto is running from the villagers as fast as he can. His speed was mid-genin but that still wasn't enough because he had ninjas that hated him chasing him and they were chunin. Naruto turned left in an alley and kept running until it was a dead end.

"Hehehe look at we got here. We finally got you cornered 'demon'." said a ninja with a chunin vest.

"Please don't hurt me." whimpered Naruto.

Naruto was scared for his life because tonight October 10... His birthday. The day when the nine tailed fox attacked the village. And this is the night were the 'Fox hunt' happens. A shinobi took out a kunai and walked up to Naruto.

"Don't worry 'demon' this won't hurt at all." The chunin took the kunai and started to cut Naruto from his chest to the bottom left of his chin (Ban's scar from The Seven Deadly Sins).

Naruto screamed in anguish and it was heard through out the whole village.

While Naruto was getting beaten by the villagers, six ANBU, that were coming back from a mission, heard the blood curling scream that sent shivers down there back. These ANBU were Dog, Weasel, Crow, Cat, Snake, and Dolphin.

"The hell was that?!" asked Snake. Cat, Dog, and Weasel were thinking hard.

"Hey what's today date?" asked Dog.

"Ummm..... October 10 why???" asked Crow in confusion.

"Oh shit! We need to hurry. NOW!!" said Dog as he took of to where the scream was.

"Wait what's going on, can someone explain it to me what's going on?!" asked Snake.

"The villagers are attacking Naruto. So we need to save him before it gets too late!" said Cat. The ANBU took off to save him before it was too late.

The villagers were still beating Naruto but Naruto couldn't feel anymore pain. Not because of shock, he couldn't feel pain anymore due to being beat mostly every night. The next thing Naruto knew a kunai was coming at him at ridiculous speed. Everything started to go in slow motion for Naruto as his eyes started to burn. Naruto to manage to dodge the kunai.

"... Sh-Sharigan?!" asked a shocked villager.

"How in the hell does he have the sharigan?!?!" asked another villager.

Naruto look at the puddle that was on the ground and saw his reflection. And to his surprise he had the sharigan with two tomoe in each eye. Before he could say anything, he was kicked against the wall. He grunted even though it didn't hurt, it still knocked the wind out of him. The ninjas started kicking and punching him.

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