The Return of Tsundae Senju

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"Alright Naruto are you sure that you will be alright? You been blindfolded for a week now after your surgery to replace your right eye?"

"I'm fine Uncle Jiraya. You go ahead and find more intel on Tsunade-baachan and I'll just sit in here and meditate. My right eye should be done healing in about 20 minutes since I have Kurama inside of me." Naruto told his godfather with an smile causing the man to sigh at his godson.

"Alright then Naruto, I'll see you in a hour. Take care of yourself." Jiraya said in a fatherly tone causing Naruto to smirk as he heard his godfather walk out off the room and closing the door behind him.

Naruto then stood up and stretched as he began to take off his shirt and pants leaving him in only his black boxers.

"Hn. No matter what clothes I try on, they are always uncomfortable." Naruto said to himself as he traced his fingers over his battle scars.

"Well, I guess I'll take me a warm shower. My eye should be done healing by the time I get out." Naruto stated as he got a towel and walked in to the bathroom and locked the door behind him.

(25 minutes later)

"That shit felt amazing! I haven't had an warm shower in so long!"

'Well that's because you always take cold showers after your missions.'

'Yo Kurama! It's been a while since you talked to me. Where the hell have you been?!'

'In your body. Sleeping.' the large fox replied with an yawn causing Naruto to sweatdrop at his best friends antics.

'So did you sleep well?' Naruto asked as he put on a new pair of black boxers.

'Meh. It was alright I guess. So has anything exciting happening yet? It's kind of boring.' the nine tails stated dramatically.

Naruto chuckled as he removed the blindfold from his eyes and opened his eyes for the first time in week.

"Goddamn! Why the hell is it so bright?!" he yelled out.

'Because it's daytime dumbass." Kurama stated as he rolled his eyes.

'The hell you just say to me you giant ass furball?' Naruto asked with an twitching eyebrow. Kurama growled.

'I told you not to call me that you tall as man child!'

'The fuck you gonna do about it you orange piece of shit?!'

'I told you a million times!!! My fur is reddish-orange! Not fucking orange you dumb fuck!!!'

'Bitch it's still orange!!! You've finally gone senile after 10,000 years you old piece shit!!!'

'You fucking brat! You wanna go right now?!'

'Let's go bitch! Maybe when I rock your shit you'll finally start thinking right you ancient piece of shit!'

'How many times are you gonna say piece of shit?! That's the only thing you can say? Huh?!'

'Naw. I'm really trying hard not violate you. Like I will end your whole career.'

'I will beat the shit out of you Naruto.'

'I will rip your fucking dick and make you watch me while I jump rope with it.' Naruto said darkly.

'I don't have a fucking gender you sadistic bitch.' Kurama stated with an snarl.

'I will shove all nine of your tails so far up your ass, that they'll blossom from your fucking mouth. Then, one by one, I will pull all nine out of your fucking mouth in the most agonizing way.' Naruto replied with an devilish smirk causing Kurama to pale slightly.

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