Mission to the Wave: Pt.1

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We find Naruto standing in front of parents grave. He has been there for an hour now talking to them. As soon he said his prayers and was about to leave two ANBU members jumped in front of Naruto kneeling.

"Commander; The hokage has summoned you and your team for a mission." said the first ANBU member.

"Tell him I'll be there in a minute. I need to get my stuff for our mission. And you take the rest of the day off and go spend time with your kids. I know they would want their father and mother there for their birthday." Naruto replied with an smile.

"Thank you Commander. You are too kind to us."

"You guys deserve a break. And you earned it. Now go home and tell your kids happy birthday for me and here I got something for the both of them." Naruto then gave them two scrolls. "Their presents are inside that scroll." he said with an eye smile like his older brother.

"Thank you so much Commander." the two ANBU said in a unison. And with that they disappeared. Well let's go see what the old man wants.

Naruto was at the hokage's door. He was listening to what the hokage was telling his team about the C-Rank mission. Once the hokage was done, he knocked on the door.

"Enter." the hokage said.

Naruto walked in and saw his team.

"Ahh Naruto my boy, you are finally here. And I assume you already know what the mission about since you was the one who requested it?" asked the hokage.

"Wassup Jiji, and yeah I know what the mission is about." said Naruto.

"I see you changed your clothes my boy, what happened to your cloak?" asked the old hokage. Everybody turned and looked at Naruto. The two girls was blushing hard. Naruto had on a tight black tank-top and black ANBU pants with black combat boots. He was also black fingerless gloves with metal plates on the top of the gloves. He also had three katanas strapped to his back.

"Naru-kun, where did you get that other katana from?" asked Satsuki.

'Naru-kun?' everybody thought.

"Well Suki-chan, this extra katana on my back was originally my mother's katana; Kushina Uzamaki's Blade of Death. It's the same katana she used to fight the Seven Ninja Swordsman." answered Naruto.

'Suki-chan?!' everybody thought.

"Oh and Kurenai's team will be accompanying you with this mission." said the hokage.

As soon as he said that there was a knock on the hokage's door.

"Enter." said the hokage. And soon enough, Team 8 walked in. Kurenai looked at Kakashi's team. She look at Sakura and Satsuki and smiled. She then looked at Naruto and snorted.

"Who is the Kakashi wannabe?" asked Kurenai. Naruto turned slowly and looked at her murderously with his purple eyes. Kurenai flinched. Before she can blink Naruto was behind her with a kunai to her neck.

"Care to run that by me again jonin?" Naruto said menacingly with his killer intent rising causing everybody in the hokage's room to have a hard time breathing. Kurenai's body was trembling with fear. Naruto looked at her and stopped releasing his killer intent. Kakashi caught his breath and spoke.

"To answer your question Kurenai, That is Naruto Uzamaki." answered Kakashi.

Kurenai paled.

She just the most dangerous person in the Elemental Nations by calling him a Kakashi wannabe.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier." Kurenai apologized.

"Don't worry about it. Now can we get on with the mission?" asked Naruto. The hokage nodded.

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