Chap.2 Team 7

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( Yoo! So I'm not going to do the Genin Exams cause....why😂??? I mean it's no point in doing it when naruto really bodies the whole genin exam🤷🏾‍♂️😂. But I might do a filler on it. I MIGHT! And since Naruto doesn't have his mother long hair, I'll try to show something a little different that he does when he gets mad. And Sakura is not gonna be useless I'm making her rank at least high chunin to low level jonin. And satsuki is gonna rank up to low and mid jonin. And don't even ask how naruto is ranked. As of right now he the strongest in the village.... And that's with out his sharigan. Does he have the Mangekyo? Nope. But he will earn it. And naruto does have a pervert and sadistic side that even scares Anko and Ibiki. How does he have the sharigan? His grandfather on his fathers side. Will have the rinnegan? Mehh IDK. But he does have Uzamaki Blood so its most likely he will 🤷🏾‍♂️. Who is his grandfather??? Starts an M 😈😈. How will kakashi react to seeing naruto.... hehe 😈😈😈. You'll have to wait and find out. Who will possibly and most likely be in Naruto's harem? Satsuki, Haku (female), Temari, probably anko since I'm making her 2 years older. MAYBE Sakura idk yet same goes for hinata..... Naww she can go with Kiba since he will act like the Naruto in the anime. But there will be more people in Naruto's harem. Asuma will not fuxkin die. Third hokage won't either I love that old man 🥲. Oh and trust me naruto WILL deal with Orochimaru. Oh and naruto has a split personality and he has control over it. In other words they get along with each other. And I will try to make this story funny so yeah. I mean this is my first story ya know. And Naruto does read Icha Icha but he hides in a genjustu to make it look like he's reading The tale of a Gutsy ninja. And the wave arc... I making it A WORK OF TRUE ART 🤩🤩🤩!!!! "OIII!! True art is EXPLOSION 💥!!" "SHUT UP DEIDORIA!! OR SHOULD I MAKE YOU A GIRL IN THIS FANFIC SO NARUTO CAN HAVE SUM FUN WITH YOU?!??" "I wouldn't mind." "NOO I'm Sorry Author-Sama." "You damn right you better be sorry." "Stupid Author." "I HEARD YOU AND NOW YOU ARE GIRL IN THIS STORY AND THE PERSON WHO IS WITH AND THE PERSON WHO BROUGHT YOU AND ALL THREE OF YOU GOING TO BE IN NARUTO'S HAREM!!! SO WHO ARE THE OTHER TWO HUH?!!?" "The other two are Itachi and Tobi." "Oh this will be fun hehe 😈😈😈. Well guys I'm going to start to right the chapter so hold on.... OH and naruto will have on the same mask as Kakashi to cover up his scar. And you should remember his outfit from the Prologue. If you don't I'll just add a picture into the story to show what it's supposed to look. Until then Ja Ne!")

(5 am in the morning. Naruto's and his mothers house.)

Naruto wakes up and stares at the ceiling. "So, today is the day where I become a 'ninja'. Welp let's get this over with." He gets out off bed and puts on a pair of greyish black anbu pants and a white tank top that shows his abs and muscles. He walks to the bathroom to use it and washes his hands. He starts to brush his teeth and wash his face. After he is done he looks and see's what time it is.

"So it's 5:15. That should be enough time to get a good work out in and try that new jutsu I've been working on. I'll come back at around 6:20-6:25 and cook Mom some breakfast before I go." he says after putting on his black ninja sandals. He was about to walk out until he stopped and summoned Akame.

"Hey lil sis. Wanna go with me to the forest while I work out?" Naruto asks.

"Yeah let's go Nii-san!" Naruto chuckles at his little sister antics.

"Alright then let's go. I'll use the the flying thunder god technique to get us there." Naruto said and Akame jumped on top of his head. Naruto uses the flying thunder god technique and flashes to the Forest of Death.

"Alright Akame you go hunt and find you something to eat while I start to train."

"Ok big brother!".Akame see's a rabbit and starts to chase it.

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