The Truth

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Not a single sound was being made.

Nobody was moving.

Everyone was to shocked to move.

Everyone had horrified and shocked looks on their faces.

Everyone's attention was on one person.

That one person was Naruto Uzukaze Uchiha Senju.

"What's the meaning of this Naruto?! What do you mean you slaughtered the Uchiha Clan?!" Tsunade yelled out at her grandson. Satsuki just looked at Naruto with hatred burning in her eyes. Her sword was still in Naruto's stomach but he wasn't fazed by it being imbedded in his stomach.

Naruto looked down on Satsuki with his Sharingan glowing menacingly as a silhouette of Madara Uchiha appeared behind him giving her the same look. Satsuki began to shake in fear at the power Naruto's eyes were displaying.

"Fine. Since my secret is out, it seems I would have to explain how I was the real mastermind behind the Uchiha Clan Massacre." Naruto stated coldly as grabbed Satsuki's sword and removed it from his stomach. He then stabbed the sword in the wall and looked back down at Satsuki.

"Get up." He said coldly. He looked down at her with so much hatred, Kurama began wondering who was the real embodiment of hatred.

Satsuki began getting up slowly and painfully, but this pissed Naruto off. He grabbed her by the hair and made her stand to her full height.

"When I say get up, I mean get up faster than that. Don't push my patience woman." Naruto glared at her which caused her to shiver in fright as Naruto stared down in her soul.

"Naruto, my friend, calm down. Even though she's a rogue ninja, she shouldn't be treated like that." Gaara said calmly but Naruto looked at him with a narrowed glare.

"What? Like this? I'll treat her how the hell I want to. The moment she left the village, she betrayed my trust. She's lucky to be alive right now." Naruto stated coldly which caused everyone to get a shiver up their spine.

"YOU BETRAYED ME TRUST YOU SON OF BI- GAHHH!!" Satsuki couldn't finish what she was saying as she was kneed in the gut brutally by Naruto.

"And I don't remember asking you to talk but finish that sentence. Please do. I dared you. I will bathe in your blood and give your organs to my summons if you finish that sentence." Naruto said darkly as he raised Satsuki up to his eye level. Satsuki coughed a mouth full of blood on Naruto's chest as he stared at her with a look that showed no emotion. She began to weakly breath as she spit blood in Naruto's face.

Naruto's hair covered his eyes as he began to grip Satsuki's hair tighter which made her scream in pain. Naruto released his bloodlust again which made everyone began coughing up blood.

Satsuki heard Naruto growling as she looked into his eyes. Her eyes widen in horror as she saw that his right eye showed his Sharingan but had a slit like pupil in the middle. Even his rinnegan turned red in color as it too had a slit pupil in the middle.

Naruto roughly threw Satsuki towards Tsunade in which Tsunade caught her due to her fast reflexes.

"Heal her so she can hear the truth about the Massacre. Can't have the bitch dying without her knowing the truth of the Massacre." Naruto said darkly as he wiped the blood under his eye off with his finger. He then put the finger that had Satsuki's blood on it in his mouth to taste it. This action caused everyone, except Tsunade who was healing Satsuki, to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Her blood is still bitter but sweet." Naruto said. Everyone looked at him with small sweatdrop.

"Crazy bitch." Naruto said to himself as he looked over towards Satsuki who was up but breathing hard as she stared at Naruto.

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