The Reunion

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"I have been brought back while spending a good time with my wife in the afterlife and forced to fight you shinobi. At least give me a good dance until my grandson gets here. Because this is ridiculous." Madara said in disappointment as he punched another shinobi.

He then began running through shinobi and knocking them out instead of killing them. He then turned to the young Kazekage and Tsuchikage with a deadpan look on his face.

"If you guys don't get serious, I will drop a meteor on every last one of you." He stated bluntly causing Gaara and Kurosutchi to pale in fear. Madara sensed that he didn't believe them as he beginning to do exactly what he said but got a better idea. He went through hand seals and slammed his hand on the ground, making a coffin rise up from the ground. The coffin opened and Kurosutchi gasped as she saw Han, the jinchuriki of the five tails.

Madara then went in front of Han and casted a Genjutsu on Han so he could use his tailed beast mode. Han then started creating a tailed beast bomb that was massive in size. Gaara paled as he began ordering the ninja's to get back as far as possible. Gaara then looked towards Kurosutchi with a serious look.

"We need to stop that Tailed Beast bomb are it will be the end for us all." Gaara stated as Kurosutchi nodded. Gaara then began to raise his black sand to immeasurable heights as it began to hardened due to Kurosutchi's lava style. The tailed beast bomb fired at the two Kage's at full speeds before making contact with the large wall of black sand and molten rock.

The bomb exploded causing a large shockwave and blowing away rock pillars and the ground under the two young Kage's. They let out a battle scream as they held up the wall with all their chakra and strength. Once it died down, the wall was still up but had broken down to half of its height. Gaara and Kurosutchi panted heavily as they looked at Madara and the jinchuriki that was going berserk.

"I am impressed. You two didn't disappoint me. Now just what are you going to do about the second Tailed Beast Bomb?" Madara asked coldly as the berserk jinchuriki shot another tailed beast bomb shocking the two young Kage's. Gaara smiled as he thought it was end but his eyes widen as he heard a familiar voice.

"SEAL!" A voice yelled as a large seal appeared out of thin air and began consuming the tailed beast bomb.

Gaara turned and saw Naruto with his left arm in front of him with a Tri-Pronged kunai in his left hand as well. His right hand was tightly gripping his left arm and he had small smirk on his face.

Once the seal consumed the tailed beast bomb, Naruto then put his hands side by side each other with both his thumb and index fingers touching each other while the kunai with the teleportation seal wrapped around the handle laid flatly on his hand.

(A/N: Same thing Minato did during his battle with the Nines Tails during the Kyubbi attack. I don't know why but that move was always cool to me.)

Then an explosion happened a couple of miles behind them taking out the mountain in the explosion. Madara chuckled loudly as he looked at his grandson.

"You cheeky brat! You always have to make entrance don't you?" Madara yelled at his grandson as Naruto simply smirked like any typical Uchiha.

"My name wouldn't be Naruto if I didn't make any badass entrance." Naruto said smugly as Madara chuckled and put his hand on his forehead.

"Yo Gramps. Why haven't you taken control of your own body yet?" Naruto asked as Madara just stared at Naruto before chuckling sheepishly and rubbing the back of his head.

"I...I had forgotten I could do that. Hehe..." Madara answered sheepishly as Naruto face faulted into the sand as did Gaara and Kurosutchi.

"I see....for you to be the strongest man ever you can be very dense sometimes gramps." Naruto said as Madara's eyebrow ticked.

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