Fourth Great Ninja War Part 4: Naruto vs Finrith

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"I never thought you'll make me use this much power, boy. But it seems I'll have to teach you a lesson by disrespecting your elders." Finrith said darkly before taking off in full speed shocking Naruto. Naruto didn't have time to react as his face was grabbed roughly.

Finrith then swung Naruto with so much force and speed before throwing him causing him to go through three mountains. Finrith looked behind his shoulder slightly and saw five blue humanoid Susanoo coming at him at full speed.

The first humanoid Susanoo threw a punch, but Finrith stopped it with his own hand as if it was nothing. His eyes glowed a menacing emerald green before a large white lightning bolt came down and destroyed the humanoid Susanoo.

Madara gritted his teeth before he put his hands together and summoning his Susanoo. His chakra began to shake the ground violently and the sky got darker. Finrith looked up and saw not one. Not two. Not three. Not even four. But five large meteors covered in blood red flames coming down towards him.

"This human isn't no ordinary human. This man is a god amongst men. To summon meteors of this size is amazing....but futile." Finrith said darkly as he raised his hands up in the air as what seemed to look like hundreds of seals appeared in the sky.

"What the hell is that?" Madara said in slight awe

-Son Goku's Palace-

"Uncle Goku, what is that man doing?" Ophis asked as she sat in the God of Everything lap while eating pocky sticks. Goku had gotten used to her calling him uncle and he didn't mind it at all. He was patting her softly as he looked down at her.

"That right there is magic young Ophis." Goku answered softly. He was watching over her while Kami and Featherine informed the other gods and goddesses to not interfere with the war. Vegeta had walked in and saw the two watching the war.

"Kakarot. You're still watching this war? And what are you doing here brat?" Vegeta questioned and Ophis only just smiled at him innocently.

"Hi Vegeta-san!" She yelled happily causing Goku to chuckle.

"Hello to you Vegeta. And yes I'm still watching this war. It has gotten interesting." Goku answered as Vegeta walked up to his rival and turned to the screen.

"It seems the lizard is starting to get serious." Vegeta stated as Goku nodded.

"Indeed. Tell me Vegeta, how many multiverses are low in mortality rates?" Goku asked seriously. Vegeta gained a serious look in his face.

"Over a hundred. What are you planning on doing?" Vegeta asked as Goku stood up with Ophis in his arms before giving her to Vegeta.

"Watch her till I get back. There is something that I need to do." Goku stated coldly as his green eyes glowed dangerously.

"W-What the hell Kakarot?! Why do I have to watch her?!" Vegeta yelled before looking down at Ophis. Ophis looked up at him and the two just stared at each other before looking back at Goku who was walking away slowly and menacingly.

"Uncle Goku!" Ophis called out causing him to stop in his tracks.

"What is it young Ophis?" Goku asked. Ophis fidgeted with her fingers.

"You'll come back right?" She asked with a sliver of worry in her eyes causing Goku to smile softly.

"Yeah I'll be back in a flash. I promise." Goku said softly before he walked out of his room and closing the door. Ophis looked up at Vegeta who had gulped nervously. Even though he had his own children, he still wasn't the one you would call to watch children.

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