The Start of the 4th Great Ninja War: Naruto's Speech

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Standing in front of a door was light blonde haired man, he had an dark skin tone and a bored look on his face. He had on the standard Jonin outfit from the cloud and a Tanto strapped to his back. This was Darui of the Cloud. The Third Raikage's Apprentice and the Second user of the famed Black Lightning. Darui took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in." A deep, smooth, and stern tone said from behind the door as Darui entered the room. When he walked in he saw the man who would be leading the Fourth Great Ninja War.

Standing at a insane height of 6'8, he had on black ANBU pants that were wrapped tightly around his ankles with medical tape with black ninja sandals covering his feet. He had on a black sweater with two armbands wrapped around his forearms. He also had black Leaf Jonin vest that had the Kanji for 'Fox' stitched in blood red. His hair, that was in a ponytail and in a style of an undercut, reached the back of his calves and was mostly black in color. But he also had strands of golden blonde and blood red hair in his head also. He had on black gloves that were made out off chakra fabric. On his left wrist he had on a golden dragon bracelet that looked to be chasing its tail. He also had on two different necklaces, both from two important women. His first necklace was a pendant of the Uzumaki Clan symbol that was crimson red in color. His second necklace was a blue crystal, that was said to be worth more than three mountains filled with gold. The man seemed to be looking out of the window while smoking.

This man was none other than Naruto Uzukaze Uchiha-Senju. The Commander-in-Chief for the Allied Shinobi in the Great Ninja War.

"Ahh Darui-san. I suppose it's time already?" Naruto asked professionally while taking one last puff his blunt and inhaling it into his lungs.

"Hai. It is time to confront the Allied Shinobi Commander." Darui said stoically as Naruto exhaled the smoke and nodded.

"Alright then. Let's get this show on the road." Naruto said seriously as he grabbed his haori that was white with black flames at the bottom. On the back it had the kanji for 'Angel of Death'. He and Darui walked out of the room and began walking down the hallway with Naruto over towering Darui.

"Commander are you nervous?" Darui asked Naruto as Naruto was silent at first before talking.

"Nervous about leading an army? No. Nervous about leading the entire nations into my first experience of a great ninja war? Of course. There is a key difference between leading your own village from the shadows and leading the entire Nations into war. But I will manage." Naruto stated truthfully as Darui nodded towards him.

-Scene Change-

"So who will be leading us in this war?" A rock ninja asked.

"Well, I heard that the strongest ninja on this planet is leading us in this war." Another stone ninja said as she rubbed her nose.

"Wait you don't mean..."

"Yes. Naruto Uzukaze Uchiha is leading the allied forces." The female kunoichi stated with a shiver going down her spine.

"N-No Way?! That Army Slayer is leading us?!" The man yelled out in shock in which the woman nodded as everyone else was closely listening to.

"Yes. From what I heard, he's become the first and youngest X-Ranked ninja in the entire Elemental Nations. He has been named the Hero of the Wave, three years ago. I heard that the mist village gave him the alias the 'God of War' after he saved them in their Civil War." She said as everyone eyes widen.

"X-Ranked?! What the hell?! This guy in a league of his own!" The man yelled as everyone else nodded.

"Um you guys might want to be quiet. The Commander is about to arrive." A Kiri ninja warned as everyone looked up and saw that their leader was walking out of the building with a cloud Jonin. Once he was close enough, mostly everyone eyes widen when they saw their Commander for the first time. He was looking down at them with no emotion shown on his face. Seeing their Commander, the ninjas began to cheer loudly.

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