Fourth Great Ninja War: Part One

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"Naruto. What do you see from up there?"

"I see some Zetsu heading this way. I'm about to confront them. I want you to split up and attack full force with your sand. I'll attack from the sky. You are in charge from here on out Gaara. I'm counting on you my friend." Naruto stated as he coated himself with red lightning. He then wrapped his wings around himself and began spinning at tremendous spend while diving down.

Gaara only saw a red streak coming down from the sky at full speed before it crashed down and caused a huge explosion. Gaara smirked and began talking.

"All Jonin with a strong fire affinity! Attack from the trees with Fire Jutsu's. Those with wind affinity assist those with the Fire affinity. The rest of you, fight with all you got and don't give up!" Gaara ordered as went through a series of hand signs before ending it.

"Magnet Release: Judgement of the Black Sand!" Gaara said as black sand came out of his gourd and smothered one hundred Zetsu.

"Holy Shit!" A random ninja yelled.

"Fire Style users are you in position?!" Gaara yelled.

"Hai!" A chorus of ninja yelled out as they went through hand signs.


"FIRE STYLE-GREAT FIREBALL JUTSU!" The ninjas yelled in a chorus.


"WIND STYLE- GREAT BREAKTHROUGH!" The ninja above the Fire style users yelled, speeding up the fire and making it larger. This caused the Zetsu to cry out in pain as the burned painfully and slowly to death.

"Magnet Style: One Thousand Sand Spears!" Gaara yelled as he slammed his hands on the ground. The ground began to shake violently as in a split second, large spears began to impale the Zetsu's as the rest of the ninja's made their way to the trees.


"These people are monsters!"

"I'm glad that they are on our side."

Gaara saw a larger Zetsu coming full speed towards him and raised his right hand up as sand began to form a bow made from black sand. A black bow formed in his left hand. He attached the bow to the surprisingly bendable string and pulled back. He then add wind and lightning chakra to the arrow to make it more faster and deadly.

"Magnet Style- Exploding Black Arrow." Gaara said softly as he shot the arrow at tremendous speed before it hit its target.



His target and everything around the target exploded to pieces.

"Commander. The Zetsu's have eliminated in this area." A ninja stated in which Gaara nodded.

"Thank you for telling me Shikamaru. Is there anything else I need to know?" Gaara asked the now identified, Shikamaru.

"Well, I got some information from Ino saying that the Second Division is about to be ambushed by over 1,000 Zetsu's." Shikamaru informed as Gaara was silent until he took a deep breath.

"Where are they now Shikamaru?" Gaara asked.

"From where we are right now, they are located northeast." Shikamaru answered as he lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

"Alright. Everyone! We will be heading northeast. I just got reports from HQ that there will be an surprise ambush waiting for the Second Division. Let's move out!" Gaara ordered.

"But Sir, what about Naruto?" Shikamaru asked respectfully.


"Heh. He'll be alright. He's probably having fun right now." Gaara stated before walking off as Shikamaru began to follow him.

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