Naruto: The Crazed Demon Ninja of Konoha (Sneak Peak)

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"Kakashi-Sensei, why are we here?"

"Well Sakura, we are here to get your teammate." Kakashi answered.

"But that doesn't explain why we are at Konoha's Ninja Mental Institute sensei." a boy with black hair said to his sensei.

"Oh, it explains a lot Sasuke. Now enough talk, let's go meet your new teammate." Kakashi said with an eye smile as he began to walk off. This caused his students to sigh at his antics and soon began to follow him.

(Small timeskip)

Kakashi and his students are seen walking up to the front desk. Behind the front desk was a beautiful woman with black hair with grey eyes with a warm smile. That's all the team could see since the desk was covering the rest of her lower body. Kakashi walked up with an eye smile and began to talk.

"Hello Sukiyo-san." he said softly.

"Hello Kakashi-san how can I help you today?" the woman asked with a warm smile.

"Well I was wondering if I could see Naruto today?"

"You mean Naruto Namikaze? Oh sure! I just need know why?" she asked.

"Well, you see, he's supposed to be released today and join a genin team." Kakashi answered with small smile. The woman paled slightly and had small bead of sweat that didn't go unnoticed by Kakashi's genin. They both thought about asking their sensei later on. But they were brought out of their thoughts when the woman behind the desk began to talk.

"Kakashi. You know his skills are far from that of a genin. Hell, if he wasn't in this dump, he could be an elite jonin or an ANBU captain. And you know this Kakashi." Sukiyo said with narrowed eyes. Kakashi sighed. She wasn't lying. Naruto was someone with unlimited potential, but the people in the village couldn't see that.

"Look Sukiyo, I know he's beyond genin material. But Hokage-sama wants him to make friends. You know how the Hokage see's Naruto as his grandson. You know what happened to the people that tried to kill Naruto when Hokage-sama found out." Kakashi said in a stern voice. Sukiyo sighed. Being a former ANBU member, she knew how protective the Hokage was over Naruto. He hung the civilian council in front of the village just to show how much he cared about Naruto and to show what would happen if they even tried to hurt him. The only civilian council member wasn't found guilty and that was Sakura's mother. Every since then, the Hokage has grown a backbone and ruled the village with an iron fist.

"Alright Kakashi. Come with me, he's probably be happy to see you anyway. Although he'll probably be a little upset not seeing his older sister figure." She said. She cared deeply for Naruto and she hated seeing Naruto in this dump, but the villagers just had to push over the edge. She sighed and came from around the desk and began to lead Kakashi and his team to Naruto's room.


"Well, here we are." Sukiyo stated.

Sasuke and Sakura was looking at the huge door in front of them. The door had some type of seals and the kanji for 'DANGER' or 'DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ENTER'. This put the new genin on edge. Kakashi took notice of this and put his hand on their shoulder.

"Don't worry you guys. Everything will alright. Once you get to meet him, he's really a nice guy." Kakashi stated with an smile under his mask. Sasuke then thought about what the woman said and began to ask his sensei a question.

"Kakashi-sensei, when that woman said that Naruto was as strong as an ANBU Captain, was she telling the truth?" he asked. Kakashi face got serious and nodded.

"Yes she was telling the truth." he answered his student.

"But how?" Sasuke asked.

"Simple. He was trained by yours truly." Kakashi said with pride. "But he was also trained by the Fourth Hokage." Kakashi stated. His two two students stared at him with wide eyes.

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