Betrayer of the Village: Naruto vs Satsuki

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Naruto's hair shadowed over his eyes as he took on last puff of his blunt and inhaled. After ten seconds, he exhaled the smoke from his nose and flicked the end of the blunt into the water.

Killing intent began to be released from Naruto spreading over a ten mile radius. Naruto slowly looked up at Satsuki with a murderous look on his face causing the girl to take a step back.

"You say I'm weak? Have you forgotten who I am Satsuki? You say are stronger than me? Have you forgotten that I'm the reason why you have the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan?" Naruto asked coldly causing Satsuki to flinch at her boyfriends tone.

Even though she was in her perfect Susanoo, she could still hear him as his voice echoed throughout the Valley of the End.

"Then you have the nerve to say that I was to weak to save our daughter? No I wasn't weak. I was too arrogant and didn't think about our daughter at the time which I regret. But enough chit chat, I will no longer show you the power of Naruto Uzukaze Uchiha-Senju. No, I will show the power of ANBU Commander Kitsune." Naruto said as he looked up at Satsuki with an dark look.

He then created twenty clones without handsigns and flew up to his Grandfather's statue and sat on top of his head.

"Here is something that I learned from Grandfather's teachings." He began to say as all twenty clones began to be covered up with a black skeletal figure, much to Satsuki's horror.

"Now Satsuki, since you are so strong, you should be able to fight twenty clones with a perfect Susanoo, right?" Naruto asked evilly as he stared at Satsuki who began to sweat profusely as she stared at the twenty perfect Susanoo's that stood taller than her Susanoo.

"Be glad I didn't use 100 clones." Naruto stated darkly. "You fucked up the moment you brought our daughter into this situation. Now you will deal with the consequences. Try not to die. It would be a shame if you died so quickly." Naruto said with an evil smile that resembled his grandfather's as his Sharingan spun wildly.

(2 Hours Earlier)

Walking into the village, Naruto saw that the place looked gloomy. The others behind him noticed it too.

'I wonder what's going.' Naruto thought to himself. But he was brought out of his thoughts as an ANBU with an weasel mask appeared and dropped to one knee in front of Naruto.

"Welcome back Commander." the ANBU operative said to his former commander.

"Rise Weasel. What seems to be the problem?" Naruto asked without hesitation.

"Sir, someone has betrayed the leaf." Weasel answered without missing a beat.

"What do you mean someone has betrayed the leaf?" Jiraya asked.

"Just as I said Jiraya-sama. Last night someone decided to betray the leaf." Weasel stated as he turned back to his former commander. "The Hokage wishes to see you Commander." Weasel told him as Naruto look at him with an emotionless face.

"Take me to him." Naruto commanded as the ANBU nodded and put his hands on Naruto's soldier and disappeared in a leaf shushin.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go meet up with them at the Hokage's office!" Tsunade yelled as she disappeared in a swirl of leaves as did Shizune.

Jiraya's face hardened into a look of anger.

"Who ever decided to betray the village, may Kami blessed their soul." Jiraya said to himself as he knew how angry his godson was. After standing for a minute he sighed and began to disappear in red flames.

'Let's just get this over with.' Was Jiraya's last thought before he completely disappeared in the flames.

(Hokage's Office)

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