What do you know about suffering??? (Filler)

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(Up there is Naruto hairstyle for now on. And you are probably wondering why Naruto has a smoking habit. Well it's because the stuff that Naruto is smoking is a type of medicine for his mental health. In other words, Naruto takes medication for his mental state about the incident that happened when he was five years old.

Naruto: It's called that Hidden Leaf Gas! Soothes the mind😌. Yo Kiba hit this!

Kiba: *hits it* Yo I got a question. What if our reflection isn't really our reflection but we are the reflection of the person on the other side of the mirror?

Naruto: *hits blunt* What if the reason why marijuana is illegal is because it shows us what we call 'hallucinations' which is the really reality?


Naruto/Kiba: .....Ah shit. Hidden Leaf Jutsu: Run Like A Bitch Jutsu!!!)


After fighting Zabuza, Naruto and his team along with Team 8, Zabuza, and Haku, went to Tazuna's house. Tazuna introduced his daughter to the ninjas and had a slight blush seeing Naruto shirtless. She then told them where the room's were. After Satsuki and Naruto got into the room he looked at Satsuki.


"Don't tell me you forgot?"

"Forgot what?"

"I asked you to cut my hair when we got here."

"Oh I'm sorry Naru-kun. Well um... How do you want it?"

"Just do the best you can." Naruto said as he took his shirt and pull his mask off showing his scar on his neck going to his left side of the chin. Naruto then took out a clear orange bottle that looked liked chopped up leaves. Naruto then took out a white piece of paper.

Satsuki, who was cutting her boyfriends hair, noticed what Naruto was doing and looked at him with a curious look.

"Naruto, what are you doing and what is that?"

"I'm taking my medicine and it's called a blunt." said Naruto as he got done rolling up. He then used his fire affinity to light it. After it was lit, he put the blunt in his mouth and took a big puff and let it out.

"What does medicine do?" asked Satsuki. She knew she was asking too many questions but her curiosity got the best of her.

"You sure are asking a lot of questions today." Naruto said with a chuckle as he took another puff of his medicine and exhaled it out. Satsuki blushed in embarrassment. "S-sorry." she said.

"It's okay. It's for my mental state. I have a different personality and have these miniature flashback of me getting abused. So in order for me to keep my sanity, they gave me medicine. Medicine to stimulate my mind and keep me at ease. But every since I met my other personality, I haven't been having that many episodes. And plus we made an agreement to work with each other to protect the ones we love." Naruto explained. Satsuki listened to Naruto and couldn't but help be sad. As she was done with Naruto's hair, she put his hair in a ponytail. While she looked at Naruto she couldn't help but blush at how handsome he was. She also noticed that his Uchiha genes were showing because his hair started to turn black mixing with his blonde hair.

"Naru-kun I'm done." said Satsuki. Naruto then got up and looked into the mirror with his blunt in his hand. Naruto had a smile on his face.

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